How Harmful Is Secondhand Smoke?
Secondhand smoke is other people's tobacco smoke. Also known as passive smoking, secondhand smoke is a major source of indoor air pollution. It can lead to heart disease and lung cancer, and make illnesses like asthma worse.
Secondhand smoke is made of two types of smoke:
Mainstream smoke - is smoke breathed in and out by smokers
Sidestream smoke - comes from the end of a burning cigarette or cigar, and makes up 85 per cent of the smoke in a smoky environment. This type of smoke contains more toxins and nicotine than mainstream smoke.
Short-term effects
The effects you might notice straight away include:
Eye irritation
Sore throat
Sneezing and runny nose
Feeling sick
Breathing problems (and possibly an asthma attack)
Irregular heartbeat (a particular problem for people with heart disease)
Long-term effects
Worsening of chest problems and allergies like asthma, hay fever, bronchitis and emphysema
Increased risk of heart disease
Increased risk of lung cancer
Pregnant women exposed to secondhand smoke can pass on the harmful gases and chemicals to their babies
By givingupsmoking.co.uk