Hi Friends,
Do you know about the cost of procrastinating saving and investing your money? Lots of people put off the idea of regularly saving and investing their money till it's too late!
Most people undermine the effect of saving a small amount of money for the long term through a regular saving plan that invests their money that delivers returns that beat the inflation rate.
Today, I will illustrate the power of compounding your money for as long as you can because your best friend for your money is indeed your time horizon.
You can click on the image below to open up a new window to see the details of why the outcomes of different investors. Investor A and B respectively, can be so different.
Investor A started saving $500 per month and invested the money in a financial portfolio that delivered a return of 9% from the age 25. He was disciplined to save for 10 years from the age of 25 to 35 and decided to stop saving at 35.
While investor B chose to put off saving his money as he wished to enjoy his wealth first in his early years. At 36, he suddenly realized he needed to start saving for his retirement if not he would not be able to retire in the future. Hence, he embarked on the same regular saving plan as investor A at the age of 36 till he was 65 years old while investor A stopped at 36.
You would be surprised that the amount of wealth accumulated by investor A was approximately 1.5 millions while investor B only managed to accumulate half the amount what investor A had accumulated even though he saved regularly till the age of 65.
The conclusion from this illustration shows that everyone can be a millionaire if they embark on a regular saving and investing plan by saving a little amount of money with discipline and using time to help your money compound to bigger amount with a constructed investment portfolio that can deliver at higher interest rate that will beat the inflation rate.
Remember, the longer your time horizon, the better your chance of compounding your money! Your chances of being a millionaire is actually guaranteed if you start saving and investing early! If you are ready to take some actions now and are wondering how to construct a financial portfolio that guarantee a return of 9% and more, feel free to engage my services at 65-96487595 or e-mail at seantoh@creditplushealth.org.
Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh
Author of “ 4 Steps To financial Freedom “
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For more information on how we can assist you in developing your personalized wealth management solutions, please free free to submit your enquiries to seantoh@creditplushealth.org and we will contact you.