Achievers and under-achievers set goals. Yet, most goals set by under-achievers remain unfulfilled. Goal setting is the most important tool achievers have learned to use to leverage their success. Achievers are very focused in their lives and they use goal setting to create their destiny. Focus is the one key quality that is consistently found in people who are high achievers. Yet through the years, in study after study, it is found that only 4 percent of the population ever set goals by writing them down. What is even more astonishing is that the 4 percent of people who write their goals down achieve them almost 100 percent of the time. If goals setting are so powerful, and successful, then why do so many under-achievers not actively engage in creating their own destiny?
Achievers know where they want to go and they have a sense of purpose or meaning in life filled with dreams and visions which they would like to achieve. Their goals are dreams with deadlines which propel them on their journey of self-discovery and self-achievement.
Under-achievers don’t have goals. They have wishes, desires, hopes, and dreams. Dreams come to them as they go about their daily life. Wishes dart in and out of their daily consciousness. They think of new interests they will like to pursue, changes they like to make, and great things they hope to achieve someday. They are pretty sure they have the ability and fully intend to do all those things sometime in the future.
It seemed that goal setting is the single most important life skill that unfortunately over 96% of under-achievers never learn how to do properly. Goal setting affects every single area of your life, whether it is financial, physical, personal development, relationships, or even spiritual in nature. Not surprisingly, it’s those top 4% that earn most of the money, or who are the best athletes in the world, or achieve optimal health and happiness in their lives, while the greater majority of people spend their days griping, complaining and blaming about those top achievers.
What the achievers have learned to do when setting their goals which the underachievers do not know is to set realistic goals that are in harmony to each other and in line with their values. Goals set by achievers are clear & concise. They will make sure they are written down and have deadlines. Under-achievers write goals that are not clear & concise without an expected date of attainment. The main difference here is achievers set goals and under-achievers set a wish. Wishes are okay if waiting for someone else or something else to grant the under-achievers. You see, achievers make sure that they breathe life into their goals so they can have the strength to prod them along the path of success. The key to the achievers’ goals is it must be in harmony with their life's priorities. If they aren't, they will either experience disenchantment if they attain them, or more likely, they experience a frustrating series of sub-conscious self-sabotage that under-achievers always experienced.
Achievers never set conflicting goals in life or they will be conflicted. Their goals are always in harmony with their core beliefs and self-assigned purpose in life which they understand that to have conflicting goals will raise their stress levels and frustrate them. Yet, under-achievers do that to themselves all the time. It is not so easy to understand that under-achievers may have some deep-set unconscious game plan for their life (whether from some basic spiritual urge or from some sense of undefined purpose) and the goals they set may actually be in conflict with that really desired.
Decide if you are an achiever and what you are here to do and then set your goals in alignment with yourself, on a subconscious or super conscious level? Goal setting is something that will transform your life, because mastering the process of setting and achieving goals is at the heart of life itself. The energy generated by repeatedly setting and achieving your own goals is an energy that can work miracles. Nothing you will ever do can even approach the motivating power that comes from setting demanding goals, measuring your progress toward them, and then systematically achieving them.
Effective goals will keep you incredibly focused. Nothing will get in your way. Effective goals will liberate you rather than shackle you. They will improve the quality of your life. Effective goals will give you life balance, they will motivate you, they will challenge you, and they will allow you to create your own destiny. Without goals, you can only dream your dreams just like an under-achiever!
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Credit Plus Health's Team