Friday, August 15, 2008

Why Achievers Set Goals That Are In Harmony With Each Other And In Line With Their Values?

Achievers and under-achievers set goals. Yet, most goals set by under-achievers remain unfulfilled. Goal setting is the most important tool achievers have learned to use to leverage their success. Achievers are very focused in their lives and they use goal setting to create their destiny. Focus is the one key quality that is consistently found in people who are high achievers. Yet through the years, in study after study, it is found that only 4 percent of the population ever set goals by writing them down. What is even more astonishing is that the 4 percent of people who write their goals down achieve them almost 100 percent of the time. If goals setting are so powerful, and successful, then why do so many under-achievers not actively engage in creating their own destiny?
Achievers know where they want to go and they have a sense of purpose or meaning in life filled with dreams and visions which they would like to achieve. Their goals are dreams with deadlines which propel them on their journey of self-discovery and self-achievement.
Under-achievers don’t have goals. They have wishes, desires, hopes, and dreams. Dreams come to them as they go about their daily life. Wishes dart in and out of their daily consciousness. They think of new interests they will like to pursue, changes they like to make, and great things they hope to achieve someday. They are pretty sure they have the ability and fully intend to do all those things sometime in the future.
It seemed that goal setting is the single most important life skill that unfortunately over 96% of under-achievers never learn how to do properly. Goal setting affects every single area of your life, whether it is financial, physical, personal development, relationships, or even spiritual in nature. Not surprisingly, it’s those top 4% that earn most of the money, or who are the best athletes in the world, or achieve optimal health and happiness in their lives, while the greater majority of people spend their days griping, complaining and blaming about those top achievers.
What the achievers have learned to do when setting their goals which the underachievers do not know is to set realistic goals that are in harmony to each other and in line with their values. Goals set by achievers are clear & concise. They will make sure they are written down and have deadlines. Under-achievers write goals that are not clear & concise without an expected date of attainment. The main difference here is achievers set goals and under-achievers set a wish. Wishes are okay if waiting for someone else or something else to grant the under-achievers. You see, achievers make sure that they breathe life into their goals so they can have the strength to prod them along the path of success. The key to the achievers’ goals is it must be in harmony with their life's priorities. If they aren't, they will either experience disenchantment if they attain them, or more likely, they experience a frustrating series of sub-conscious self-sabotage that under-achievers always experienced.
Achievers never set conflicting goals in life or they will be conflicted. Their goals are always in harmony with their core beliefs and self-assigned purpose in life which they understand that to have conflicting goals will raise their stress levels and frustrate them. Yet, under-achievers do that to themselves all the time. It is not so easy to understand that under-achievers may have some deep-set unconscious game plan for their life (whether from some basic spiritual urge or from some sense of undefined purpose) and the goals they set may actually be in conflict with that really desired.
Decide if you are an achiever and what you are here to do and then set your goals in alignment with yourself, on a subconscious or super conscious level? Goal setting is something that will transform your life, because mastering the process of setting and achieving goals is at the heart of life itself. The energy generated by repeatedly setting and achieving your own goals is an energy that can work miracles. Nothing you will ever do can even approach the motivating power that comes from setting demanding goals, measuring your progress toward them, and then systematically achieving them.
Effective goals will keep you incredibly focused. Nothing will get in your way. Effective goals will liberate you rather than shackle you. They will improve the quality of your life. Effective goals will give you life balance, they will motivate you, they will challenge you, and they will allow you to create your own destiny. Without goals, you can only dream your dreams just like an under-achiever!
P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members.
Sean Toh &
Credit Plus Health's Team

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why An Achiever’s Self-Concept Is Based On His Beliefs?

There is a great deal of research which shows that the self-concept of an achiever is, perhaps, the basis for all his motivated behavior. It is his self-concept that gives rise to his possible selves, and it is his possible selves that create the motivation for his behavior. Achievers have great self-esteem that clearly differentiated their self-concept. Achievers know themselves and they maximize outcomes because they know what they can and cannot do.

Achievers generally develop and maintain their self-concept through the process of taking action and then reflecting on what they have done and what others tell them about what they have done. They reflect on what they have done and can do in comparison to their expectations and the expectations of others and to the characteristics and accomplishments of others.

Self-concept is not innate, but is developed or constructed by an achiever through interaction with his environment and reflecting on that interaction. This dynamic aspect of self-concept is important because it indicates that it can be modified or changed. There is a growing body of research which indicates that it is possible to change the self-concept. Self-change is not something that people can will but rather it depends on the process of self-reflection. Through self-reflection, he often comes to view himself in a new, more powerful way, and it is through this new, more powerful way of viewing the self that he develops possible selves. The stronger and positive the beliefs, the more unique and greater self-concept will be evolved through this interactions around the self.

There are several different components of an achiever’s self-concept: physical, academic, social, and transpersonal. The physical aspect of his self-concept relates to that which is concrete: what he looks like, his sex, height, weight, etc.; what kind of clothes he wears; what kind of car he drive; what kind of home he live in; and so forth. His academic self-concept relates to how well he does in school or how well he learns. There are two levels: a general academic self-concept of how good he is overall and a set of specific content-related self-concepts that describe how good he is in math, science, language arts, social science, etc. The social self-concept describes how he relates to other people and the transpersonal self-concept describes how he relates to the supernatural or unknowns.

An achiever understands that his self-concept is his individual's conceptualization about how he thinks about himself. It is a subjective sense of his self and his complex mixture of unconscious and conscious thoughts, attitudes, and perceptions. His self-concept provides him a frame of reference that affects his management of all situations and relationships with others. His self-concept, or how he thinks about himself, directly affects his self-esteem which gives rise to his evolving confidence that an under-achiever is always lacking.

An under-achiever’s negative self-concept gives a sense of meaningless, emptiness, and inconsistency to him. An unhealthy self-concept has a high degree of instability and generates negative feelings toward him. When his poor beliefs reinforce his self-concept, his self-esteem is lowered as a result. In a way, his self concept is dependent upon how he thinks about himself in relation to the world, and the qualities that he ascribes to himself. How he thinks he has performed depends on his beliefs he received from the environments or interactions!

Fortunately, you can get rid of those self-limiting beliefs. However, you have to identify them first. They could be lurking in the recesses of your minds without your awareness. Talking with a friend or consulting with a coach could give you more objective feedback as to their existence.

Once you have identified them, these limiting beliefs must be challenged every time they rear your heads. You must consciously reject any thoughts or suggestions that you are limited in any way. There is nothing you cannot do. You simply need to find your way and follow it to conclusion.

When the self-limiting thoughts are starved of attention, they wither and die. Whatever you give attention to magnify: whatever you do not attend to shrivel up and die. You cannot take the mild approach to the weeds in your mental garden. You have got to hate weeds enough to kill them. Weeds are not something you handle; weeds are something you devastate.

No one is better than you are. If others do better, it is simply because they have had more practice, more experience, and/or they know something that you don’t. And all this can be remedied. It’s what you build upon your initial investment that makes the difference.

Hence, dynamic inter-relationship between your thoughts, beliefs, and personal core values, all feed into your self-concept and self-esteem development, and in turn, your self-empowerment. Your empowering beliefs such as 'I am capable of achieving anything I desire to; support your hopes and dreams. If you hold negative beliefs such as 'I am not worthy to do what I dream of', you are actually undermining your potential. Beliefs are at work even when you are not consciously thinking of them. Achievers address any negative self talk and beliefs, whether at the conscious level or the subconscious to be the best they always will be!

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Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh &
Credit Plus Health's Team

Why Achievers Maintain High Level Of Health And Physical Energy?

Have you ever wonder why achievers have so much energy overcoming great challenges and yet achieve what they set out to do? After researching and reading into people of great successes, I realize that all these achievers have created for themselves a health plan to enable them to have far more physical energy and also to maintain a high level of health that allow them to strive for the greatest success they always desire.

Achievers know that the better they take care of themselves, the more calm, positive, and creative they will be. This is why often their best thinking, their best ideas and their best decisions come after a holiday, vacation or period of rest. They increase the quality of their lives by eating right and getting the right amount of rest. They also find that by taking more time off they create more opportunities for high quality thinking time which will have a positive effect on their lives, career and income. They enjoy high levels of health and vitality and they also understand that their current levels of energy and physical well-being are perhaps the best indicator as to how well they are currently doing in your life.

The best investment an achiever can ever make is his body. It pays for itself over and over again, every minute, every hour and every day. As he develops the habit of good health, nutrition, exercise and overall proper care for his body, it affects every other area of his life in a healthy and positive way as well. The quantity and quality of his energy flow deeply affect his emotions, thoughts and reactions. The quality of his relationships, productivity, creativity and health all depend upon creating a high level of harmoniously flowing energy.

Simple techniques and methods that have been researched and proven to maintaining high levels of vitality and physical health that have been incorporated in an achiever’s lifestyles should be;

1.Maintain a proper diet. Eating a proper diet requires that you eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and more lean sources of protein. Eat more fish, chicken, prime cuts of meats, egg whites, low fat yogurts, and soy products. When you eliminate most fats from your diet and replace them with high-quality vegetables and lean-sourced protein you'll increase your levels of energy, clear your mind, and lose weight.

2.Maintain proper hydration. Water is one of the greatest aids to good health that you can possibly consume. Studies show that you should drink eight glasses of water daily and more if you're doing physical labor or exercising. In fact, medical studies have shown that as much as 70 percent of all health problems can be eliminated or reduced by increasing your water consumption. This is mainly because of the tremendous amount of toxins and impurities that you flush from your body when you drink water.

3.Maintain the proper weight. This simply means that you should eat less and exercise more. The way you think plays a dominant role in your eating and exercise habits. For example, under-achievers who are overweight often think about the pleasure of eating and give little or no thought to how they will look and feel afterwards. Whereas achievers who are never overweight are usually very thoughtful about how they will look and feel after eating. They don't like the feeling of being full or looking fat, so they eat less and stop eating sooner.

4.Get the right amount of exercise. Studies show that on average you need to get 200 minutes of exercise weekly or about 25 minutes per day to maintain a high level of fitness. You can get daily exercise from a variety of activities such as, walking, swimming, cycling, golf, tennis and exercise equipment. Perhaps the best exercise you can get is doing aerobics for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 to 5 times per week. One important note on exercise: Before you start an exercise routine you should get a complete medical check-up.

5.Get the right amount of daily vitamins and minerals. It's almost impossible to get the right amount daily vitamins and minerals that you need from diet alone. This is why you should at the very least take a multi-vitamin each day. Opinions vary widely on which vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements are good and how much of each you should take. You should consult your doctor or a nutritionist before you start taking other supplements in addition to a multi-vitamin.

6.Get the right amount of rest and relaxation. You need 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night to be fully rested. It's important that you give your body, mind and emotions time to recuperate from the day. You can take a short 20 minutes nap during the day. Have at least one day set aside during the week just for your family and recreation where you don't think about your work at all. Here's an important rule to remember: The time when you most need time off is when you don't have time to take time off.

7.Breathing techniques are essential for the abundant flow of vital energy throughout the body and mind. Bio-energy is the basis of all physical and mental functions. Breathing exercises are one of the most effective ways to increase our energy level and keep it steady and harmonious so we will be less susceptible to low emotional states or illness. We should, however, have the guidance of person experienced in breathing techniques before we begin.

8.Creative self-expression is much more important to our physical, emotional and spiritual health and harmony than most people imagine. Man is a creative being. Our purpose on earth is to create in some way. We might create a family, a business, a farm, a painting, a piece of music, a dance, etc. Creative self-expression is essential for our health, harmony and happiness.

9.Discover your spiritual orientation. Each of us has his own personal relationship with the universe. Whether or not we adhere to any particular religion, it is important for our inner balance that we feel and cultivate our relationship with the whole as humanity, as nature, or as God.

10.Increase your self-knowledge of your body. We need to comprehend our own inner mechanisms, needs, desires, fears, expectations, beliefs and subconscious workings in order to free ourselves from the negative emotions, mechanisms or which undermine our health, happiness and relationships.

Achievers think of their body as a machine that is designed to last 100 to 120 years with the proper care and maintenance. They take good care of it and feed their body the proper foods and nutrients. Drink lots of water. Exercise regularly. Rest and recuperate, and give their body a chance to recharge on a regular basis.

The phrase that "you become what you think about" is never truer than when it comes to eating and exercise. The way achievers think about food and exercise determines how much they eat and how much they exercise they get. If achievers change their thinking about food and exercise, underachievers should change their behavior toward both so as to maintain high level of health and physical energy to spur themselves into greater heights!

P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members.

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Sean Toh &
Credit Plus Health's Team

Why Achievers Create New Successful Habits Pattern?

It takes time for achievers to learn to be successful too! Achievers are always in the process of reinventing themselves and learning new ways of being. They bother to take the time to learn what it takes to be a successful achiever.

One of the main things that an achiever learns to do in his life -- and it is not taught in the home or in the schools -- is self-analysis. He learns to analyze himself to be in touch with his personality by understanding his habit patterns. Underachievers find it very difficult to be consciously aware of every action they perform and realize that their actions are virtually their thoughts. Without thought there can be no action! Habit patterns and thoughts are revealed through the behavior!

An achiever has numerous habits; he understands his personality by understanding his habit patterns. A habit pattern is a conscious thought or action that he repeats again and again. This creates a groove in his unconscious mind and forms an unconscious habit. Unconscious habits are stronger than conscious habits. All habit patterns are self-created by the achiever himself. When he sits down and tries to understand which of his habits control his life, he sees that there are many deep-rooted habits within him. He studies them. Once he becomes aware of his harmful thoughts and emotions that have created deep grooves in the mind, he will begin to change them by creating new grooves. Then his mind will stop flowing to the old grooves and start flowing to the new ones. In this way an achiever changes his habits.

Deep-seated poor habits keep under-achievers from doing what would be good for them to do. He becomes helpless because of the obsessions and addictions that are caused by his poor habits. He may continues in a habit that he knows is not good -- that is neither healthy nor helpful and that should not be done -- because the habit has become so deep-rooted that he is powerless to change his behavior. Society does not help him change his bad habits, and there are very few places where he can get help. Under-achiever who is in the penitentiary knows that what he has done is a crime, but the force of habit led him to act improperly. He understands what is right and what is not right -- but his deep-seated habits have motivated him to do something that is not good, that is not acceptable.

Success comes from behaviors, which start out as thoughts. To change the habits or behaviors, an under-achiever will need to have different thoughts. What occupies the mind – the thoughts – propels achievers to behave in a certain way. If the achiever doesn’t like the results of his behavior, all he needs to do is to change his thoughts. Renewing or shifting from the current thoughts to those that are desired brings about transformation or change in the lives. This is what is known as having a paradigm shift – adopting a new way of thinking, of doing things, of behavior.

The good thing about habits is that they are acquired over time through learning, nuances, brainwashing and experiences. Since they are acquired, they can be replaced by changing the thought patterns that fostered them in the first place. To replace negative, self-limiting thought patterns, which is called “mental patterns of failure”; under-achiever must set as a first goal to reduce the impact of these patterns, and this cannot be done overnight. Just as it took time to acquire these mental patterns of failure, it will take time to release them and replace them with ‘mental patterns of success’. Achievers are those who rid themselves of their patterns of failure by brushing off distractions. When there are no pattern of failure limiting their progress, under-achievers are able to overcome temporary setbacks at the thought level. Since the battle for success is won or lost at the thought level, the success or failure in this arena is what makes you an achiever or under-achiever. Success comes naturally when the mastery of learning to control the thought patterns takes place. Mustering the art of thought control, no longer will under-achiever will be ‘tempted to act opposite to what he know is best. He can keep fear at a minimum and doubt is nowhere to be found.’

As I conclude, I believe that over 80 per cent of the setbacks that we face in life have their origin in how we think or react to life’s issues. How we think informs how we behave, and consequently the kind of actions we take – and the success we attain in life is largely dependent on the actions we take.

Most of the limitations that we encounter in life are self-imposed – and therefore can be overcome. As I have mentioned above, the battle is either won or lost at the thought level. If you feed your mind with thoughts that influence positive behavior, you will take positive actions and therefore achieve positive results. On the other hand, if you feed your mind with negative thoughts, you will behave negatively and take negative actions – resulting in failure.

My call to you today is to embark on an unlearning or relearning process. You need to unlearn all the negative habits that take your efforts away from success. On the other hand, if you have managed to inculcate positive habits in your life, you need to keep relearning these habits to ensure that doubt or failure will never have a foothold in your life. If you keep doing this constantly and consistently, you will, without doubt, attain gratifying success like most achievers.

P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members.

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Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh &
Credit Plus Health's Team

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why Achievers Set “Peace of Mind” As Their Highest Goal?

Achievers seemed to be able to maintain a state called “Peace of Mind” when they are striving for their goals. When their mind is in a state of “Peace”, an achiever has more mental resources and energy to think best and excel in making the best decision than the under-achievers in the journey of pursuing success if he encounters challenges.

One of the highest and most important goals an achiever set is the goal of having “Peace of Mind”. By setting this goal and working towards achieving it, achievers hold themselves to the standard of inner peace, and they will find that every decision they make will turn out to be the best decision. They have more energy, enthusiasm, and become more creative. They become a kinder, gentler, and a more loving person. When they set “Peace of Mind” as their standard, they will tap into a source of wisdom that will guide them without fail toward doing and saying the right things in every circumstance.

Most under-achievers have peace of mind only when they are asleep. Perhaps this is possible only when they are physically tired or exhausted, and the urge to sleep is stronger than the need to have peace of mind. The trouble lies in the under-achievers’ mind. Their mind is made up of fear, self-pity, insecurity, and failures, to name a few. All of these are products of negative thinking that pollutes the mind unnecessarily.

Achievers face troubles with courage by casting out the negative feelings of fear and insecurity. Empty their mind of all these negative habits and they don’t leave their mind empty for long to prevent it from leaning back to the negative side. They will cast out all the negative thoughts by emptying them from their mind, and refill with positive and inspiring thoughts.

A troubled mind is like a storm in your mind. Once the problem is gone, you will have peace of mind. Try to build a strong foundation of positive attitudes so that when another storm hits your mind, you’re prepared to face it. This is similar to practicing positive attitudes.

There are many ways to generate a peaceful mind. Think of words that suggest a calm mind - words like tranquil (a tranquil sea), serene, harmony, and stillness. Read poems, phrases, and excerpts that suggest a peaceful mind. You can also join group talks where the discussion is centered on how to achieve a mind harmonious with peace, love, and happiness. If you prefer to be on your own, moments of silence can make you obtain peace of mind. The library is a suitable place to be in. Pick up a book that suggests peace of mind and you may be able to find other means to obtain your objective.

Another good way is to use visualization. You can try visualizing peaceful scenes in your mind. For instance, you can initially picture in your mind a rainforest being battered by stormy weather. Branches of trees are vigorously swinging in all directions. Everything seems to be chaotic, just like a troubled mind. But storms don’t last. They move on. When they leave, sunshine or good weather comes in.

Another very effective method is to practice quiet meditation on a daily basis. You should set aside 30 to 60 minutes each day for meditation. When you begin to practice meditation on a daily basis, you’ll begin to experience a flow of energy coming into your mind and body. You’ll have a tremendous sense of well-being, and a stream of ideas will flow through your mind. And, most importantly, you’ll get the answer to the most important situation facing you every single time you meditate.

Do these processes as often as necessary - every time you think you need to. By repeating this process, you are practicing good habits aimed at keeping your mind free of negative thoughts and full of positive vibrations to achieve peace of mind.

Ultimately, this habit will become part of your daily activities until you get used to it. Once you do, you will find everything you do to be positive based in an effortless manner.

Set peace of mind as your highest goal. Associate only with achievers and work in situations that make you happy and contribute to your sense of inner peace and well-being.

P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members.

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Sean Toh &
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