Thursday, August 14, 2008

Why Achievers Create New Successful Habits Pattern?

It takes time for achievers to learn to be successful too! Achievers are always in the process of reinventing themselves and learning new ways of being. They bother to take the time to learn what it takes to be a successful achiever.

One of the main things that an achiever learns to do in his life -- and it is not taught in the home or in the schools -- is self-analysis. He learns to analyze himself to be in touch with his personality by understanding his habit patterns. Underachievers find it very difficult to be consciously aware of every action they perform and realize that their actions are virtually their thoughts. Without thought there can be no action! Habit patterns and thoughts are revealed through the behavior!

An achiever has numerous habits; he understands his personality by understanding his habit patterns. A habit pattern is a conscious thought or action that he repeats again and again. This creates a groove in his unconscious mind and forms an unconscious habit. Unconscious habits are stronger than conscious habits. All habit patterns are self-created by the achiever himself. When he sits down and tries to understand which of his habits control his life, he sees that there are many deep-rooted habits within him. He studies them. Once he becomes aware of his harmful thoughts and emotions that have created deep grooves in the mind, he will begin to change them by creating new grooves. Then his mind will stop flowing to the old grooves and start flowing to the new ones. In this way an achiever changes his habits.

Deep-seated poor habits keep under-achievers from doing what would be good for them to do. He becomes helpless because of the obsessions and addictions that are caused by his poor habits. He may continues in a habit that he knows is not good -- that is neither healthy nor helpful and that should not be done -- because the habit has become so deep-rooted that he is powerless to change his behavior. Society does not help him change his bad habits, and there are very few places where he can get help. Under-achiever who is in the penitentiary knows that what he has done is a crime, but the force of habit led him to act improperly. He understands what is right and what is not right -- but his deep-seated habits have motivated him to do something that is not good, that is not acceptable.

Success comes from behaviors, which start out as thoughts. To change the habits or behaviors, an under-achiever will need to have different thoughts. What occupies the mind – the thoughts – propels achievers to behave in a certain way. If the achiever doesn’t like the results of his behavior, all he needs to do is to change his thoughts. Renewing or shifting from the current thoughts to those that are desired brings about transformation or change in the lives. This is what is known as having a paradigm shift – adopting a new way of thinking, of doing things, of behavior.

The good thing about habits is that they are acquired over time through learning, nuances, brainwashing and experiences. Since they are acquired, they can be replaced by changing the thought patterns that fostered them in the first place. To replace negative, self-limiting thought patterns, which is called “mental patterns of failure”; under-achiever must set as a first goal to reduce the impact of these patterns, and this cannot be done overnight. Just as it took time to acquire these mental patterns of failure, it will take time to release them and replace them with ‘mental patterns of success’. Achievers are those who rid themselves of their patterns of failure by brushing off distractions. When there are no pattern of failure limiting their progress, under-achievers are able to overcome temporary setbacks at the thought level. Since the battle for success is won or lost at the thought level, the success or failure in this arena is what makes you an achiever or under-achiever. Success comes naturally when the mastery of learning to control the thought patterns takes place. Mustering the art of thought control, no longer will under-achiever will be ‘tempted to act opposite to what he know is best. He can keep fear at a minimum and doubt is nowhere to be found.’

As I conclude, I believe that over 80 per cent of the setbacks that we face in life have their origin in how we think or react to life’s issues. How we think informs how we behave, and consequently the kind of actions we take – and the success we attain in life is largely dependent on the actions we take.

Most of the limitations that we encounter in life are self-imposed – and therefore can be overcome. As I have mentioned above, the battle is either won or lost at the thought level. If you feed your mind with thoughts that influence positive behavior, you will take positive actions and therefore achieve positive results. On the other hand, if you feed your mind with negative thoughts, you will behave negatively and take negative actions – resulting in failure.

My call to you today is to embark on an unlearning or relearning process. You need to unlearn all the negative habits that take your efforts away from success. On the other hand, if you have managed to inculcate positive habits in your life, you need to keep relearning these habits to ensure that doubt or failure will never have a foothold in your life. If you keep doing this constantly and consistently, you will, without doubt, attain gratifying success like most achievers.

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Sean Toh &
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