Question For Sean Toh? How Can I Get Rich Before 30?
Hi Sean,
I would like to ask you something. If a person tells himself that he is going to get rich before 30. How does he plan his journey. Does he tell himself that he can do it, work for it or tell himself he can do it and uses some methods to achieve his goals? Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.
Joseph Smith
Here Is The Answers Specially For Your Questions, Joseph! Sincerely From Sean Toh.
Dear Joseph,
It's my pleasure meeting you, Joseph. Hope you have a great day? This simple question can have two answers. Positive people will say that they have a great day whereas negative people will say that they have a bad day. You see positive people see problems and challenges as possibilities and opportunities. They are not afraid of hard works and will overcome difficulties and solve them one at a time and eventually solve the most difficult situation which looked impossible to overcome or solve initially. Ask yourself are you a positive person? If you are not a positive person, you must try to overcome negative attitude. Instant Positive Attitude can help you change your negative attitude if you are ready to listen to what I'm going to share with you.
Are you ready for your first lesson to be rich before 30 years old? You have the answers and biggest control if you could become rich before 30 years old. Rich people normally has very powerful mindset that allows them to achieve their objectives. Here are
6 Secrets For A Successful Open And Powerful Mindset
Secret No.1 – The open mindset always ready to be a life long learner!
Secret No. 2 – The Discipline mindset that is patient!
Secret No. 3 – The leveraging mindset allows you to be super powerful!
Secret No. 4 – The creative mindset think differently from the rest!
Secret No. 5 – A changing mindset will help you overcome adversities and challenges!
Secret No. 6 – A networking mindset that partner for success!
There are other powerful mindsets in The Millionaire Mindset that you can learn to influence yourself to be positive and powerful before taking actions to achieve your goal of being rich before 30 years old.
Having the right mindset, you are now ready for your second lesson to reach your goal of being rich before 30 years old. In order to reach your goal before 30 years old, you have to calculate back from 30 years old and outline a realistic, achievable plan to execute so that you can start making your first dollar and compound it to the amount of wealth you desire. Four Steps To Financial Freedom contains my plans on how I could achieve financial freedom. Four Steps To Financial Freedom will be launched by the end of December 2006 as I'm still fine tuning the website for this powerful self-empowering program and the physical copies are currently under production and will reach Singapore bookstore by year end.
Here are the four steps :
Step1 - The road to financial freedom is to have great health so that you are in good shape to learn.
Step 2 - An open mindset to start learning and practicing what you have learned.
Step 3 - Investing your time in your financial & health education so that you are in control of your life to create wealth to enjoy a better life.
Step 4 - Enjoy the wealth that you have created because you have been taking care of your health.
Secrets Of The Self-Made Millionaires & Multiple Streams Of Income will show you how ordinary people designed an achievable plan to reach their financial success. Start designing a plan that allows you to execute it your goal now!
At this point, ask yourself are you hungry to reach your goal? If the your 'Why' is big enough, then you will find the 'How' to achieve your desired goal. You have a choice to decide if you want to go for it? Most people tends to procrastinate their actions till later and will never start at all and they forever will never be successful. You have to decide what actions you want to take now, Joseph?
Although I have recommended and advise you on lots of matters, it takes more than education, resources and advice for you to be successful. You need to be patience and committed to your plan to achieve a bit of success. It’s that bit of success that will motivate you even more to learn and apply what you learned in life for your future success. Just in case, if you have been waiting the whole day for all the answers. I will like to apologize for the delay to your answers because I believe in giving my best advice to you personally and sincerely from my heart. I needed the time to understand the problems you faced, understanding them and finding the right resources for your education so that you have a higher success rate when you implement your plan.
Last but not least, may I wish you all the success implementing the plan and achieving some results that you can see for yourself. Do consult a proper financial planner or advisor if you are really in doubts. It's you that make the decision to decide if you want to be successful? Enjoy creating wealth with health. It’s has been my pleasure providing consultancy service to you, Joseph!
Your Sincerely
P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members. Click here to Tell Your Friends Now!
P.P.S. Feel free to ask Sean Toh your single most important question about personal investing and health matters that will help you get started on this journey to create wealth for yourself? Ask Sean Toh Now!