Friday, August 29, 2008
Why Achievers Understand The Law Of Service By Serving Their Fellowman?
“What is the moral obligation to serve the Fellowman? Well, the Fellowmen never did anything for me, and I never entered into a contract with them. Why should I start serving my fellow man”?
Achievers have learned and mastered the art of serving his fellowman long ago which under-achievers simply just do not know the prosperity brought by the act of serving.
Although achievers and under-achievers have some things in common and belong to the same affinity group, they are simply human beings. Achievers know the only way that they can get what they want is by serving their fellow man. By serving their fellow man, they take orders from them, which results in peace and prosperity.
Achievers understand that their serving is a form of creation governed by law. The principles that operate in the outer universe, discoverable by scientists, are called natural laws. But there are subtler laws that rule the hidden spiritual planes and the inner realm of consciousness. Contained within these laws is one of law called the “Law of Service”, which is the true nature of matter. Knowledge of this law has an effect upon their mental urges. Mind is their builder. Stay in full mindfulness of the application of Universal Law as related to them and to others, and in love all life is given, in love all things move.
In giving, achievers attain. In giving, achievers acquire. In giving, love becomes the fulfillment of desire, guided and directed in the ways that bring the more perfect knowledge of themselves as related to the universal, all powerful, all guiding, all divine influence in their lives.
The Law of Service is the governing law of their future. Service is usually interpreted as exceedingly desirable, and it is seldom realized how very difficult service essentially is. It involves so much their sacrifice of time and of interest and of their own ideas, it requires exceedingly hard work, because it necessitates deliberate effort, conscious wisdom and the ability to work without attachment. These qualities are not easy of attainment by the under-achievers, and yet today the tendency to serve is an attitude which is true of a vast majority of the people in the world. Such has been the success of the evolutionary process.
Service is frequently regarded as an endeavour to bring people around to the point of view of the achiever who serves, because what the achiever has found to be good and true and useful, must necessarily be good and true and useful for all. Service is viewed as something they render to the poor, the afflicted, the diseased and the unhappy, because they think they want to help them, little realizing that primarily this help is offered because they themselves are made uncomfortable by distressing conditions, and must therefore endeavour to ameliorate those conditions in order to be comfortable again themselves. The act of thus helping releases them from their misery, even if they fail to release or relieve the sufferers.
Service is frequently an indication of a busy and over-active temperament, or of a self-satisfied disposition, which leads its possessor to a strenuous effort to change situations, and make them what they feel they should be, thus forcing others to conform to that which they feels should be done.
Under-achievers, therefore, serve from a sense of obedience, and not from a spontaneous outgoing towards the needy. The essential quality for service is, therefore, lacking, and from the start they fail to do more than make certain gestures. Service is rendered from a deep seated desire for achievers’ spiritual perfection. It is regarded as on of the necessary qualifications for discipleship and, therefore, if under-achiever is to be a disciple, he must serve. This theory is correct, but the living substance of service is lacking. The ideal is right and true and meritorious, but the motive behind it all is entirely wrong.
Service should be rendered because it is becoming increasingly the fashion and the custom to be occupied with some form of service. The tide is on.
Achievers are actively serving in welfare movements, in philanthropic endeavours, in Red Cross work, in educational uplifts, and in the task of ameliorating distressing world conditions. It is fashionable to serve in some way. Service gives achievers a sense of power, service is their form of group activity, and frequently brings far more to them in a worthy sense than to being served.
If the under-achievers’ self is subordinated to the higher rhythms and obedient to the new “Law of Service”, then the life of the soul will begin to flow through them and to the others, and the effect in their immediate family and group will be demonstrated by real understanding and true helpfulness. As the flow of life becomes stronger through the use of this law, the effect will spread out from the small surrounding family group to the neighbourhood. A wider range of contacts becomes possible, until eventually if several lives have been thus spent under the influence of the “Law of Service”, the effect of the outpouring life may become nationwide and worldwide.
P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members.
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Sean Toh &
Credit Plus Health's Team
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Why Achievers’ Self-Discipline Is So Persistent In Action?
“Single mindedness, determination, dedication, self-belief and the inability to ever give in are what distinguish people who do great things with their lives from those whose dreams die with them. When you have great perseverance you take into account what others say but you don't let it rule you. You remain true to your vision”.
- Thomas Henry Huxley
That’s the difference between achievers and non-achievers! Achievers’ persistence is their ability to maintain action regardless of their feelings. They press on even when they feel like quitting. When they work on any big goal, their motivation will wax and wane like waves hitting the shore. Sometimes they will feel motivated; sometimes they won’t. But it’s not their motivation that will produce results — it’s their action. Persistence allows them to keep taking action even when they don’t feel motivated to do so, and therefore they keep accumulating results.
Persistence will ultimately provide its own motivation. Achievers just know that by simply keep taking action, they will eventually get results, and results can be very motivating. For example, they may become a lot more enthusiastic about dieting and exercising once they have lost those first 10 pounds and feel their clothes fitting more loosely.
Will power is the ability to control unnecessary and harmful impulses. It is the ability to overcome laziness and procrastination. It is the ability to arrive to a decision and follow it with perseverance until its successful accomplishment. It is the inner power that achievers overcome the desire to indulge in unnecessary and useless habits, and the inner strength that overcomes inner emotional and mental resistance for taking action. It is one of the corner-stones of their success, both spiritually and materialistically.
Self-discipline is the companion of will power. It endows the stamina to persevere in whatever the achievers do. It bestows the ability to withstand hardships and difficulties, whether physical, emotional or mental. It grants the ability to reject immediate satisfaction for something better.
Achievers or non-achievers are full of inner unconsciousness, or partly conscious, and sometimes rather impulsive. Under-achievers sometimes say or do things they later regret saying or doing. On many occasions they do not think before they talk or act. By developing these two powers, under-achievers become conscious of the inner subconscious impulses, and gain the ability to reject them when they are not for their own good.
Under-achievers tend to do what’s easiest and avoid hard work — and that’s precisely why they should do the opposite. The superficial opportunities of life will be attacked by hordes of under-achievers seeking what’s easy. The much tougher challenges will usually see a lot less competition and a lot more opportunities if under-achievers have more perseverance to overcome their challenges.
Achievers prepare and anticipate behind closed doors. Lay the groundwork for success carefully: Effective preparation and self-discipline are closely allied. They do their homework. Since most under-achievers are rarely well prepared, achievers will often succeed by default. When opportunity presents itself, they burst out of the starting gate, sprint to the finish line, and take home the prize.
Achievers’ self-discipline is an act of their cultivation. Self-discipline requires under-achievers to connect today's actions to tomorrow's results. There's a season for sowing, a season for reaping. Self-discipline helps them know which is which. Do what needs to be done. Quality living requires under-achievers to make difficult choices and sacrifices; it demands that they do the hard work first. They cannot arrive at true success without making the trip. Self-discipline is a habit. It is not situational, but it is applied situation by situation. However, they can be self-disciplined on occasion, but to get consistently positive results they require consistency.
It is the day-in day-out practice of self-discipline that determines where under-achievers end up. After all, a lifetime is an accumulation of moments, days, weeks, months, and years. What you do during each moment counts and influence the degree to which you judge your life to be a success. If you aspire to achieve your goals, you must be prepared to play every play as though the two-minute warning clock is running. Every move is significant. Every move counts!
P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members.
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Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh &
Credit Plus Health's Team
Monday, August 25, 2008
Why The Achievers Understand The Law Of Substitution So Well?
As the process of change begins, the individual journey to success is unique with a set of schemas, personal issues, and perception of life. Perceived fairness, or unfairness, good and bad memories, guilt, adaptive or non-adaptive patterns do indeed all play into the factors that can either increase or decrease the chances for achieving, but looking at common behaviors that all fall into and from there is a guideline that can provide a basis for expectant behavior if under-achievers are to achieve or facilitate the achieving process in themselves. An observation from the research done shows what happened to under-achievers as well as achievers in their mind when engaging in thoughts.
Achievers and under-achievers experienced 50,000 to 60,000 thoughts in your mind just within minutes. Most of the thoughts are repetitive and that many of them are very negative. Achievers made a deliberate effort to be keenly aware of them when they are engaging in the self-destructive negative self talk. They have vigilantly mastered the art of turning off this negative internal dialogue and actively choose a different voice. They understand the “Law of Substitution” so well to fully utilize it to create and build a strong mental mind.
The law of substitution is actually a very simple law that states that your mind is able to keep only one thought in a time. The moment one thought comes to mind the other leaves.
There are two types of thought givers: subconscious and conscious. Subconscious mainly gives you the flow of thoughts to keep you safe and worm in our comfort zone. It says things like: “Don’t go there, it’s frightening.” “Don’t do that. You are going to be embarrassed” “Don’t start that project, you are going to fail.” Subconscious also mistakenly describes your appearance and abilities like “You are not strong enough, wise enough, educated enough, beautiful enough, worthy enough and good enough. You can’t, you can’t, you can’t.” the result of such thoughts, of course, anxiety, disappointment, frustration and lack of self-esteem.
Achievers have learned to deal with their subconscious. They know they have their conscious mind to help them. They have decided to choose the thoughts to think with it, and that if they think with the conscious mind – the subconscious mind stays quiet and listens. That means that every time they do not like the thought in their mind they can substitute it with another one their conscious decides to think.
Under-achievers have to understand how to use this law of substitution. Every time their low self-esteem tells them bad things about them or talk them out of the thing they desire, they consciously choose to think the antagonist thought. For example they are told they can’t do it; substitute this with the thought that they can. It is better to say: “I can do, I will do it and I’m just going to do it”.
Whenever they stop actively substituting this negative inner dialog with positive self-talk, it will quickly and silently creep back into their daily existence. If they “fall asleep,” or lose their way, they must take the opportunity to listen to their negative internal self-talk. It is then that they can feel that the thoughts in their mind affect their body with a negative emotional charge that does not bring them to their highest good. When their internal self-talk is they can’t; they must first become aware and then actively turn these negative thoughts into thoughts of they can.
Using the substitution of the negative thought about themselves, under-achievers can learn to take control over their self-destructing thinking; they can then increase their self-esteem. However, it is not so easy when they begin using this law of substitution, but like everything in life, when is done systematically becomes a habit. This law can also become their habit, if they want it to. So they must start using this unique mind ability and substitute their low self-esteem to the new high self-esteem they have chosen to achieve.
Just remember, high self-esteem equals good relationship, achievements in business, strong health and finances. The development of your self-esteem opens the door to your special wonderland you always dreamed of. By consciously substituting all negative thoughts with positive ones immediately upon experiencing the negative thought. You can only experience one thought at any given time, therefore by substituting a positive for a negative, only positive ones will reach the subconscious that will lead to positive outcomes for you!
P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members.
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