Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mangosteen, Xanthones, and Antioxidants

The mangosteen is a fruit, technically known as Garcinia mangostana L., that is unique to tropical areas of Southeast Asia. Mangosteen is so prized by inhabitants of these countries that it is universally known as the "Queen of Fruits". The raw mangosteen is fragile and the United States forbids its importation due to the risk of harmful pests entering the country. One of the admirable qualities of the mangosteen is its beauty. It is about the size of a tangerine and is deep purple in color on the outside, with a bright white pulp in the inside. Because of its appearance and high xanthone content, the mangosteen is truly one of Mother Earth's natural wonders.

Xanthones are biologically active plant phenols that are packed with antioxidants and have proven medicinal properties. Because of its pharmaceutical properties, xanthones have been studied extensively for their medicinal potential. Mangosteen is the most plentiful source of antioxidants with over 30 xanthones. The mangosteen fruit provides many health benefits. Scientific research proves xanthones in mangosteen may reverse cholesterol and high blood pressure issues, and help as an anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and anti-fungal, to name a few.

There is no other fruit on the planet that combines a distinctly delicious taste and overwhelming health benefits as that of the mangosteen. There is proven research on the health benefits of the mangosteen fruit, and the reports are very promising. A growing number of health practitioners are using the fruit in their clinical practice as first-line or adjunctive therapy to treat their patients. Mangosteen is available commercially in the form of juice, tea, or capsules and can be purchased in health stores and online.

For centuries, the Southeast Asia communities have known about the many health benefits of the mangosteen juice. The mangosteen fruit contains many antioxidant properties, which you probably already know, are very good for you. Over 50 independent studies to date substantiate its health benefits, and research is numerous and ongoing. There are numerous accounts all over the Internet of individuals who have experienced firsthand the benefits of the Queen of Fruits. The health benefits of mangosteen will undoubtedly be heralded for a long time to come.

Mangosteen is a natural health supplement food source that can provide the antioxidants lacking from a normal diet. And unlike artificial drugs, which have side effects that we hear more about in the news nearly every day, mangosteen is an all-natural product. The fruit is an absolutely superb treatment for any kind of pain or ailment. If you are looking for a natural way to boost your immune system, prevent future illness, and lead an overall healthier life, mangosteen may be just what you’re looking for.
Still don't know if mangosteen is right for you? Visit http://www.holisticmangosteen.com to learn more about xanthones and mangosteen health benefits.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Goltiao
Reprinted with permission, complying to the EzineArticles' Terms of Service for Publishers.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Inadequate Life Insurance Leaves Spouses With Less

Hi Friends,

Before I start discussing about Life Insurance, I want you to click the "Play" button to watch this video on not planning Life Insurance for your family. Although the context is based on Americans but I see those scenarios are equally applicable to Singaporeans.

Life insurance is a simple answer to a very difficult question: How will my family manage financially when I die?

It’s a subject no one really wants to think about. But if someone depends on you financially, it’s one you cannot avoid.

There are many types of life insurance, but for all of them the bottom line is the same: It pays cash to your loved ones after you die, replacing your income and allowing the financial plans you put in place to continue uninterrupted. Life insurance payments can be used to cover daily living expenses, mortgage payments, outstanding loans, your child tuition fees and other essential expenses. And, importantly, the death benefit proceeds of a life insurance policy are almost never subject to estate taxes depending on how you plan your estate.

If you’ve worked hard to establish a solid financial framework for your family—investments, home equity, a savings plan, retirement accounts—life insurance is the foundation upon which it all rests. It can guard against the need to make drastic changes to future plans if the unexpected occurs. Certain types of life insurance even have a built-in savings feature that can help you reach asset accumulation goals.

Most Singaporeans need life insurance, and many who already have it may need to update their coverage. This guide will help you sort through your options and show you how to find a plan that’s right for you and your family.

Common Excuses That Shouldn’t Stop You From Getting the Coverage You Need

1. “It’s Too Expensive.”

Not having any or enough life insurance coverage could be more costly to your family.

2. “I Haven’t Gotten Around to It.”

There are no guarantees in life, so don’t procrastinate.

3. “I Prefer to Put My Money Elsewhere.”

Might work if you’re sure you’re going to live a nice long life.

4. “I Worry About Making the Wrong Decision.”

A qualified insurance professional can answer all your questions and guide you through the buying process.

5. “The Coverage I Have Through My Employer Is Sufficient.”

Typically, employers provide a modest amount of coverage, and it can be costly to take with you when you leave.

Do You Care For Your Family?

If you care about your family, think about these scenarios that happen every night and in your family.

Tucking your child into bed, celebrating a birthday, creating a welcoming home. These are little things, but they're ways you show your love for your family. Each time you do something for them you're reminded how much they mean to you.

But what if something were to suddenly happen to you, and you were no longer able to do these things? Because of your love for them, you'd want to protect them the best you could, even if you were no longer there to take care of them yourself.

Having enough life insurance can help your family maintain the lifestyle you've created for them, providing them peace of mind. You'll have helped them live out their dreams, such as attending university for that special career.

Show them your love by making sure you have adequate insurance. Talk to a licensed financial services consultant to discuss your needs.

Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh
Author of “ 4 Steps To financial Freedom “

Contact Us

For more information on how we can assist you in developing your personalized wealth management solutions, please free free to submit your enquiries to seantoh@creditplushealth.org and we will contact you.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Taking The Fear Out Of Retirement

Hi Friends,

Worried about being ready for retirement? You’re not alone. But many retirement-related fears can be overcome with some simple tips that I’m going to give you.

Getting started is probably the hardest part of a retirement plan. It's so easy to think your retirement is decades away so why not wait just a little longer to start planning for it. Procrastination could cause you to lose thousands of dollars. Procrastination could mean the difference between a comfortable retirement and one where you are barely getting by. If you're between the ages of 20 and 40, you're probably buying a house, a car, furniture, and thinking about your kid's education fund. However, the most common reply I get from most Singaporean is this. “I barely have enough money for my monthly expenses. How can I save for retirement?” As housing, health care, transportation and education costs continue to rise, so it’s no wonder that saving for retirement may have taken a back seat. But it doesn’t have to. You probably think you can't afford to save for your retirement at this time. You're wrong. Even a small amount invested wisely could be very beneficial in years to come.

Goal Setting

OK, you've decided to start planning for your retirement so where do you go from here? The first thing you must do is to list your retirement goals.Do you want to travel? Retire comfortably or enjoy a even better lifestyle than current one? Maybe you want to start a business that you have so much passion in that will empower others or contribute to the society in a meaning ways. Whatever your goals, you will need an income. You could quite possibly be retired for 30 or more years so you need a plan that will provide an income for several years. How much money will you actually need when you retire? You can use this CPF Calculator to find the answer to this question.


Next, if you already haven't done so, create a budget. If you don't have a clue about how much you spend from month to month, keep a journal of every cent and dollar you spend for three months. You'll see where your money is going and be able to better manage expenses. Your budget must include a payment to your retirement plan even if it's only a few dollars.

Family Members

Discuss your retirement plans with your family, especially your spouse. Chances are you'll both retire at about the same time so you need to be in agreement on this critical part of your life. If you both have a career, you will both be contributing to the retirement fund. Make your decisions together and try to develop a plan that will be acceptable to both of you.

Be focused

Even the best retirement plan could be in serious trouble if you allow yourself to dip into it for frivolous luxuries. If your budget doesn't seem to cover all your expenses, chances are you are confusing necessities with luxuries. Do you really need to upgrade your car or change new model for your mobile phone when it’s out in the market? Do you need to have an expensive holiday or that Louis Vuitton just because of the urge of satisfying your inner desire to have them? Little things eat away at your budget. You don't have to do without, just spend wisely.

Making Choices

Now that you have some money put aside, you need to think about investing so that your nest egg will grow. However, investing your money can present complex challenges to most people who are already so busy with their work and family commitments. Extraordinary care and effort are vital to preserve and enhance the financial success you want to achieve so that you have that nest egg waiting for you to enjoy. That’s when a financial services consultant can help you plan and make changes to your investment portfolio for your retirement when the changes are in response to actual changes in your personal situation rather than to an emotional reaction to swings in the market or a change in performance of a security that you hold when you are too busy to anticipate.

Consult your financial representative

Deciding where to invest is a lot easier with the help of an experienced professional. Get professional help when really do not know where to head. Remember, it’s better to save and have a plan than to enter your later years with empty pockets and no strategy!

Contact Us

For more information on how we can assist you in developing your personalized wealth management solutions, please free free to submit your enquiries to seantoh@creditplushealth.org and we will contact you.