The mangosteen is a fruit, technically known as Garcinia mangostana L., that is unique to tropical areas of Southeast Asia. Mangosteen is so prized by inhabitants of these countries that it is universally known as the "Queen of Fruits". The raw mangosteen is fragile and the United States forbids its importation due to the risk of harmful pests entering the country. One of the admirable qualities of the mangosteen is its beauty. It is about the size of a tangerine and is deep purple in color on the outside, with a bright white pulp in the inside. Because of its appearance and high xanthone content, the mangosteen is truly one of Mother Earth's natural wonders.
Xanthones are biologically active plant phenols that are packed with antioxidants and have proven medicinal properties. Because of its pharmaceutical properties, xanthones have been studied extensively for their medicinal potential. Mangosteen is the most plentiful source of antioxidants with over 30 xanthones. The mangosteen fruit provides many health benefits. Scientific research proves xanthones in mangosteen may reverse cholesterol and high blood pressure issues, and help as an anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and anti-fungal, to name a few.
There is no other fruit on the planet that combines a distinctly delicious taste and overwhelming health benefits as that of the mangosteen. There is proven research on the health benefits of the mangosteen fruit, and the reports are very promising. A growing number of health practitioners are using the fruit in their clinical practice as first-line or adjunctive therapy to treat their patients. Mangosteen is available commercially in the form of juice, tea, or capsules and can be purchased in health stores and online.
For centuries, the Southeast Asia communities have known about the many health benefits of the mangosteen juice. The mangosteen fruit contains many antioxidant properties, which you probably already know, are very good for you. Over 50 independent studies to date substantiate its health benefits, and research is numerous and ongoing. There are numerous accounts all over the Internet of individuals who have experienced firsthand the benefits of the Queen of Fruits. The health benefits of mangosteen will undoubtedly be heralded for a long time to come.
Mangosteen is a natural health supplement food source that can provide the antioxidants lacking from a normal diet. And unlike artificial drugs, which have side effects that we hear more about in the news nearly every day, mangosteen is an all-natural product. The fruit is an absolutely superb treatment for any kind of pain or ailment. If you are looking for a natural way to boost your immune system, prevent future illness, and lead an overall healthier life, mangosteen may be just what you’re looking for.
Still don't know if mangosteen is right for you? Visit to learn more about xanthones and mangosteen health benefits.
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Still don't know if mangosteen is right for you? Visit to learn more about xanthones and mangosteen health benefits.
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Reprinted with permission, complying to the EzineArticles' Terms of Service for Publishers.