Hi Friends,
Today, I would like share with all of you an interview by "The Executive" on my good friend, Alan Yip, Founder of Mind Edge!
The headline was " Asia's Very Own Anthony Robbins ". I read the headline and straight away I was putting myself into Alan's mind. I was actually trying to understand why achievers can achieve much more than most average people.
In this headline, Alan is actually using Anthony Robbins as a role model and mentor to model after to motivate himself to achieve a standard that he feels will be a great standard to exceed his performance. In that same headline, Asia is the region that he was actually trying to empower the people with Mind Edge's learning technologies as they will be next generations of people shaping, leading the world economies and impacting the world with their implemented policies. The policies that they decide and make in the future will have tremedous impacts to the world developments, growth, stability, etc.
I always like to read the lauguages expressed, listen to the intonations and words said and understand how people think, behave, talk and act based upon certain stimulus conditions and environments because their expressions are in fact linked to how and what they are thinking in their minds. I have benefitted from reading this interview and I believe you will benefit from it too!
Read this interview and you will understand why "Mind Edge" will be a gobal leading force that you will want to be part of it because it's going to shape your "Minds with the Edges" that allows you to believe you can do anything you choose to do!
Interview On Alan Yip, Mind Edge's Founder & Peak Performance Trainer, by "The Executive."
To learn more about Alan, download a copy of Alan's profile and experiences and you might just be interested in engaging "MindEdge" for your corporate staffs' developement training!
Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh
Author of “4 Steps To Financial Freedom”