Achievers seemed to be able to maintain a state called “Peace of Mind” when they are striving for their goals. When their mind is in a state of “Peace”, an achiever has more mental resources and energy to think best and excel in making the best decision than the under-achievers in the journey of pursuing success if he encounters challenges.
One of the highest and most important goals an achiever set is the goal of having “Peace of Mind”. By setting this goal and working towards achieving it, achievers hold themselves to the standard of inner peace, and they will find that every decision they make will turn out to be the best decision. They have more energy, enthusiasm, and become more creative. They become a kinder, gentler, and a more loving person. When they set “Peace of Mind” as their standard, they will tap into a source of wisdom that will guide them without fail toward doing and saying the right things in every circumstance.
Most under-achievers have peace of mind only when they are asleep. Perhaps this is possible only when they are physically tired or exhausted, and the urge to sleep is stronger than the need to have peace of mind. The trouble lies in the under-achievers’ mind. Their mind is made up of fear, self-pity, insecurity, and failures, to name a few. All of these are products of negative thinking that pollutes the mind unnecessarily.
Achievers face troubles with courage by casting out the negative feelings of fear and insecurity. Empty their mind of all these negative habits and they don’t leave their mind empty for long to prevent it from leaning back to the negative side. They will cast out all the negative thoughts by emptying them from their mind, and refill with positive and inspiring thoughts.
A troubled mind is like a storm in your mind. Once the problem is gone, you will have peace of mind. Try to build a strong foundation of positive attitudes so that when another storm hits your mind, you’re prepared to face it. This is similar to practicing positive attitudes.
There are many ways to generate a peaceful mind. Think of words that suggest a calm mind - words like tranquil (a tranquil sea), serene, harmony, and stillness. Read poems, phrases, and excerpts that suggest a peaceful mind. You can also join group talks where the discussion is centered on how to achieve a mind harmonious with peace, love, and happiness. If you prefer to be on your own, moments of silence can make you obtain peace of mind. The library is a suitable place to be in. Pick up a book that suggests peace of mind and you may be able to find other means to obtain your objective.
Another good way is to use visualization. You can try visualizing peaceful scenes in your mind. For instance, you can initially picture in your mind a rainforest being battered by stormy weather. Branches of trees are vigorously swinging in all directions. Everything seems to be chaotic, just like a troubled mind. But storms don’t last. They move on. When they leave, sunshine or good weather comes in.
Another very effective method is to practice quiet meditation on a daily basis. You should set aside 30 to 60 minutes each day for meditation. When you begin to practice meditation on a daily basis, you’ll begin to experience a flow of energy coming into your mind and body. You’ll have a tremendous sense of well-being, and a stream of ideas will flow through your mind. And, most importantly, you’ll get the answer to the most important situation facing you every single time you meditate.
Do these processes as often as necessary - every time you think you need to. By repeating this process, you are practicing good habits aimed at keeping your mind free of negative thoughts and full of positive vibrations to achieve peace of mind.
Ultimately, this habit will become part of your daily activities until you get used to it. Once you do, you will find everything you do to be positive based in an effortless manner.
Set peace of mind as your highest goal. Associate only with achievers and work in situations that make you happy and contribute to your sense of inner peace and well-being.
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