Aerobic Dance Classes
The aerobic dance class is what likely pops into your head when you think of aerobic exercise. These classes can be very effective for cardio training. Be sure you are being taught by a qualified instructor. There are also many excellent videos out so you can exercise in the privacy of your own home instead of going to a class.
For many people, the social component of aerobic classes is what keeps them coming back. If you have no rhythm, however, this may not be for you as you may get frustrated. You can buy aerobic shoes or simply use ordinary running shoes (make sure they have good padding and ankle support).
There are a few different basic types of aerobics: low-impact, high-impact, step and water. Let me explain them further...
Low-Impact aerobics classes always keep one foot on the ground. There is no jumping or pounding to hurt joints. This is a good thing for anybody but especially for those who have a lot of excess weight and can't or shouldn't jump around.
High-Impact aerobics involve some jumping movements and are appropriate for more advanced exercisers than beginners.
Step Aerobics are done on a raised platform (adjustable) using a variety of moves designed to take advantage of the stepping-up movement. Step aerobics can be low-impact or high-impact.
Water Aerobics are simply aerobics done in the water. They are very low-impact and, due to the buoyancy of the water, are very good for overweight people. It is not necessary to know how to swim to do water aerobics as they are usually done in waist-high water.
A recent innovation in aerobics is to include various marital arts or boxing moves into the mix, e.g. punching, kicking, etc. The popular Tae Bo? videos are an example of this style. They give you the benefits of an aerobic workout plus some knowledge of self-defense.
By Nick Nilsson