Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why Achievers Have Super Conscience Creativity?

How much creative potential do achievers have? Numerous research investigations have highlighted the importance of certain personality attributes of achievers for creative functioning. These attributes include, but are not limited to, self-confidence and a willingness to overcome obstacles, to take sensible risks, and to tolerate ambiguity. Achievers deliberately make super conscience efforts to pursue ideas that are unknown or controversial often means defying the crowd.

Because of their intrinsic, task-focused motivation they have the capability to come out with creative works. Achievers rarely do truly creative work in an area unless they really love what they are doing. This love and passion allow them to focus on the work rather than on the potential rewards. Interestingly, carrying out their creative activities also simultaneously helps to generate their intrinsic motivation.

For their creative works to evolve, achievers need an environment that is supportive and rewarding of their creative ideas. They could have all of the internal resources needed to think creatively, but without some kind of environmental support such as a forum for proposing those ideas and constructive feedback, their creativity might never be displayed.

All creativity actually begins with a seed of an idea. The problems with under-achievers are they don't feel like they ever have any ideas. When the truth is they have plenty, they just don't capture them, and then forget they ever had them in the first place.

Achievers make a conscience effort to keep an Ideas Journal with them - a notebook to jot down creative ideas as they come to them - and get into the habit of using it. The more ideas they capture, the more ideas will follow. It's like one big ideas party in their journal!

Achievers believe they are highly creative. However, under-achievers can’t be creative because don't think they are creative. Their beliefs are the ceiling for their creativity, and if their ceilings are low, you're short changing them in what you're capable of. Underachievers have to start by looking at their current beliefs around creating and how creative they are. Do they think: "I am highly creative and my ideas flow like a raging river"? Or do they believe: "I will always struggle to create; I've barely any natural talent"? Identify all their beliefs, highlight the positive ones, and turn the negative ones around. They have to begin to think of themselves as a creative person and of creativeness as a set of skills that they can practice and get better at using. Next, they have to make conscience efforts to surround themselves with people who love and support them, particularly those who can give them honest and constructive feedback. They also have to try to expose themselves to a diversity of environments, cultures, ideas, and symbols.

By learning to experiment with creative thinking techniques, such as mind-mapping, brainstorming, lateral thinking, simulation exercises, etc., they test out their thoughts and ideas in a variety of media. They also need to take time to relax and rest their mind to properly reflect on and digest different ideas.

Achievers try to probe deeper on things that, on the surface, seem obvious. They are not afraid to ask questions. Some of the most penetrating questions are so-called ‘dumb’ questions. The only dumb questions are the ones that are not asked. They will make time meditating on their own strengths and weaknesses, and understanding and overcoming their personal blocks to creativity. These obstacles could be a big ego, fear of embarrassment, negative thinking, entrenched routines, and self-criticism.

It is important to remember that creativity requires great patience and humility; a willingness to work hard for creative outcomes; and, deep concentration on the power of intrinsic creative forces. Believe you can become a creative achiever today by making super conscience efforts to be creative from here!

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