Thursday, December 29, 2005

10 Fitness Tips

10 Fitness Tips

Everybody wants to be fit, want to be in a great shape but.. in the absence of right tips motivation factor gets lost. But here are few tips to make you fit and will help you in looking good and feeling better.

1.Exercise everyday keeps fat away. Exercising, hitting a gym, aerobics can be a good option to loose weight but by walking to your school , using stairs instead of lift can also help in burning some extra fat.

2.Begin your day with exercise before breakfast and burn up the most calories with the least effort. Diet food for diet. Diet food can be a good option but many of us feel that it doesn't taste good. That's not true one can at least give it a try as diet food can also taste as good as fatty food. Leaving some of the most common fatty food can help you too. Cutting soda out of your diet completely can save the average person 360 calories or more each day. Water or fruit juices can be a better option.

3.Regularly review a card with your personal reasons to be trim, slim.

4.Water...... the magic wand can help you too. Drink two quarts of water daily as it supports your metabolic systems and it helps your skin to shine brightly.

5.Missing meals?-then stop it right now. Never miss meals specially breakfasts. Your body is only loosing carbohydrate and water when it looses weight rapidly. Your body gets indications that it's starving and reduces its metabolic rate which makes it harder for the body to burn fats. After that when one starts eating again then his body starts pilling up fats again.

6.Eat to live. Stop eating as soon as you are full or satisfied .you need not to fill your stomach like balloons to the fullest. Eat slowly as it will help your body to recognize that you have had enough.

7.Watch out what you eat. Learn what foods are high, medium and low calories and try to make your diet chart accordingly.

8.Avoid grease, high calorie oils while cooking. You can always look for some recipes high on nutrition but low on calorie. Reduce intake of sugar, salt, syrup, jam, French fries, potato chips, chocolates, chicken skin.

9.Alcohol has no nutritive value, but its high calorie content. That's why try to reduce your alcohol intake as its good for your health too.

10.Be strong. Try to develop some more interest other than eating as it will reduce the burden of dieting from your head. It will end your crush on that new brand of chocolate.