Friday, August 22, 2008

Why Are Achievers Accomplishing So Much Personal Fulfillment?

Dr. Abraham Maslow coined the term “Self-Actualization” as the pinnacle in the hierarchy of human needs. Dr. Maslow summed up the concept as;

"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be. This is the need we may call self-actualization ... It refers to man's desire for fulfillment, namely to the tendency for him to become actually in what he is potentially: to become everything that one is capable of becoming ..."

Have you ever wonder why achievers have been able to accomplish much more in life compared to the non-achievers? The real difference is achievers have the ability to self-actualize much more in life than the non-achievers. On a most basic level, achievers and non-achievers are required to satisfy their needs for food, water, and air. It is only when these basic needs are met that they can turn their thoughts to higher needs, such as love and acceptance.

As each of these needs is fulfilled, some of them reach a point of restlessness. It is at this point that they begin to seek higher goals of personal fulfillment. They attempt to grow beyond what they currently are and they strive to fulfill their highest potential. This is what Maslow termed self-actualization.

It is through self-actualization, achievers seek personal fulfillments in life. Achieving this state of fulfillment, however, involves more than having success in the workplace or the admiration of others. It is a goal that achievers want to achieve through different methods and with drastically different results to achieve a more holistic life.

The flaws with under-achievers are they are often obsessed about their goals and leave behind other matters which are vitally important. If they are dominated by a higher need, this higher need will seem to be the most important of all. It then becomes possible, and indeed does actually happen, that they may, for the sake of this higher need, put themselves into the position of being deprived in a more basic need. When their basic needs are being derived, they no longer can fulfill the next stages of self-actualization to their full potential to be the best they can ever be.

As for achievers, they have an internal natural drive to become the best possible they ever can be. They have within them a pressure toward unity of personality, toward spontaneous expressiveness, toward full individuality and identity, toward seeing the truth rather than being blind, toward being creative, toward being good, and a lot more. That is they believe that they are so constructed that they press toward good values, serenity, kindness, courage, honesty, love, unselfishness, and goodness.

Some profound and interesting characteristics from our research of achievers who have self-actualized have the following findings. Their interpersonal relations are profound and intimate. They are capable of greater love than others consider possible. They seemed to have the ability to demonstrate benevolence, affection and friendliness to everyone. When coming to learning, they are able to learn from anyone humbly regardless of class, education, political belief, race or color. They do not confuse between means and ends. They do not do wrong, enjoying the here and now, getting to goal--not just the result. They make the most tedious task an enjoyable game. They have their own inner moral standards appearing amoral to others. They love to joke and they use jokes as their teaching metaphors, intrinsic to the situation, spontaneous, and can laugh at themselves without cracking jokes that hurt others. They have inborn uniqueness that carries over into everything they do, see the real and true more easily, original, inventive and less inhibited. They are painfully aware of their own imperfections, joyfully aware of own growth process. They have philosophical acceptance of the nature of his self, human nature, social life, nature, physical reality, remains realistically human.

With this deeper understanding and knowledge of the profiling of achievers, under-achievers will then have this bigger capacity to motivate themselves to realize their goals. It will also oblige them to actively work toward self realization and respond to the call that a value makes on them. This whole discussion shows the importance of studying Values and Ethics in being an achiever. Under-achievers have to discover their range of possible moral behavior and success characteristics to model after and improve upon if they are working after their goals toward personal fulfillment.

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why Achievers Keep Talking To Themselves In Their Mind When They Are Faced With Defeats?

Take notice and pay attention to the things you say to yourself every day! Many times you may catch yourself saying (not out loud but only in your head of course) something about yourself or your life that you would never, never in a million years say to another person. I’m talking about the limiting, self-deprecating, disparaging thoughts and silent comments that under-achievers have, the thoughts of doubt about their abilities and themselves, the feelings of disgust when they look in the mirror facing their doubting poor self-image.

Under-achievers failed to monitor their conversations and their thoughts they have about themselves. When they are faced with a challenge, a fearful situation, it is not common for them to react by talking to themselves and "commanding" themselves to overcome this fear and succeed on the challenges. This is in fact, a proven effective method used by achievers for overcoming fear. One theory of addressing the fear is to enhance the individual's concept of success. Achievers are able to imagine and believe that they can be successful at a certain event, encounter or situation; they command and use their fear to channel productive outcomes in what they are fearful to do.

According to research, there is one theory by a psychologist from Stanford University that overcoming fearful behavior can be addressed by self efficacy: the achiever's belief that he can overcome his fear. In effect, he addresses fear by "talking" to himself and believing that he can overcome it.

Changing the self-talk from negative to positive can in itself bring about a change in the mind-set. For one thing that achievers do is the very process of putting into words what they want rather than what they hope to avoid, changes their way of thinking. They think of the words that will bring about the associated mental pictures, and if the words are linked to something emotive, associated physical sensations too. So they start to see and feel what they want to achieve. This, hopefully, will have more pleasant associations and induce a more positive response – such as relaxation, confidence, or excitement – rather than the unpleasant response associated with the situation they want to avoid. So for example by replacing:

“I mustn’t get angry!” with

“I’ll stay calm”

They are also replacing the image and sensations of clenching fists, reddening face, losing control and feeling tense with those of staying relaxed, talking calmly, and discussing rationally. Using positive language forces them to formulate what they want, and to begin to manifest it by putting it into words.

Achievers’ self-talk—the words that they use to describe what is happening to them and to discuss how they feel about external events—determine the quality and tone of their emotional life. When they see things positively and constructively, and look for the good in each situation and each person, they have a tendency to remain positive and optimistic. Since the quality of their life is determined by how they feel from moment to moment, one of their most important goals should be to keep themselves thinking about what they want and to keep their mind off what they don’t want or what they fear.

When the mind is filled with positive self-talk energy, the soul will be uplifted with feelings of encouragement, self-motivation and a "can-do" attitude. Once the thinking is uncluttered, it will bring to completion things left dangling from the past and train the self-talk to focus only on being the achievers, and the road to success will be a much shorter journey.

If under-achievers pay attention to what is going in their mind, they will discover that the mind is in a constant state of thinking. There is a constant self-talk activity going on. They can actually use this self-talk to their advantage, when they know how. They can fill their mind with positive thoughts, and direct it toward achievement and success. They can do so by repeating positive words and statements, instead of occupying the mind with useless or negative thinking.

The starting point in the process of becoming a highly effective person like an achiever is to monitor and control the self-talk. The conscious mind can hold only one thought at a time, either positive or negative. If under-achievers deliberately choose a positive thought to dwell on, they keep their mind optimistic and their emotions positive.

The real power of self-talk lies in how it changes behavior. Simply correcting the internal programming will improve the mood, but it won’t do the most important job. The ultimate purpose of examining what is going on inside the head is to change actions that are self-defeating. Thinking correctly does alter the negative moods, but enduring change comes only with modifying the behavior.

To activate the full power of your self-talk, you must follow the path that your new, accurate inner messages point. Underachievers would need to actually terminate their current relationship and, with the aid of further encouraging and supportive self-talk, get back into social situations where they can meet new people and begin forming new relationships.

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Why Achievers Apply The Law Of Concentration For Success In life?

Law of Concentration involves a honing in on all the attention so that one's entire field of attention is thrown into whatever it is that one is doing. Concentration entails a focusing of energy-the energy that influences all our actions in life.

From our research, we realize that achievers have been men of great concentration. Their success is not accidental but is related to their thoughts in their brain. When a brilliant thought or idea strikes their mind, they ensure that their thought or idea is being nurtured and reared with patience, will, focus, and determined action. With this intense concentration of energy will the tiny seed of an idea truly flower into a vibrant plant. The entire basis of the flowering is the mind and its powers. Had there been no thought in the mind and appropriate action thereafter, the result would not have been achieved. Applying this law is like focusing the rays of the sun through a magnifying glass; achievers focus and re-direct the concentrated rays of the power behind their divine thoughts.

Control of the mind is the achievers’ precursor to success in attempts at concentration. Yet if their mind is preoccupied solely with the idea of having to control the mind like under-achievers, they will be so busy trying to control their mind that the object or concept of concentration will take centre-stage in Amnesia land!

Achievers understand that it is the sensual distractions to which the mind is drawn that are the culprits of under-achievers inability to concentrate. So they must work at being able to successfully and scientifically isolating their attention from them. Calming the senses, withdrawing their life force away from the sensory-motor nerves which are the conductors of sensations, and channeling them into the higher centres of their consciousness is therefore the key. They must make it a habit to introspect and watch their mind carefully. Rising thoughts must be silenced and emotions have to be calmed.

Success in achievers’ life presupposes the power of concentration. Their focused thoughts create a dynamic but silent power within that will find them placed in situations akin to the nature of their thoughts. If they think ' good health ' and with faith and belief embedded deeply within their minds over a sustained period of time, they will gradually create for themselves situations and an environment, which will be conducive to good health. Yet as they understand the workings of this power of this law, it is essential that they not misuse the power and that they be more involved in purifying their desires so that all that they seek will only be bathed in the hue of wisdom and righteousness.

As under-achievers attempt to practice controlling their mind, never fight with it. An obstinate struggle only sets into motion more waves of despair and frustration. They should beware of committing this serious error in their eagerness to succeed. Correctly practiced, engagements in concentration will quickly lead to a calming of the functions of the heart and thereby, the energy that was formerly used by the heart will now be available for use to achieve any other noble ambition. Exercises in concentration are not only for the under-achievers, but are diligently practiced even by those seasoned in meditative practices. The mind is like a wild cat and needs to be tamed.

Each of you is born with a certain degree of latent developed concentration, but the more you are aware of the existence of this power, and the more you seek to consciously use it, the more will you actually develop it. Achievers are men of concentration. Nothing of essence in life is achieved without concentration.

Be it in life, business, sport, art, or healing, concentration is the real key which helps one harness one's inner divine potential. Concentration aids you in drawing more of the life energy into your physical self and thereby raising your level of existence to higher layers of awareness. As you spiritualise your consciousness through channeled techniques of concentration, your energy pattern becomes more vibrant and pure, ushering all round tranquility and calmness into the temple of your mind. Self-mastery demands tremendous will power and wise channeling of conserved concentrated energy, re-directed in the best possible way. Achievers have done it so can under-achievers?

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why Achievers Use Sport Programming Techniques To Program Themselves For Success?

Look at the performance of the world class athletes and you will understand why they are the achievers. How can they maintain their peak performance all year round breaking records after records? Why are they the best athletes in their sporting field?

Most of the athletes started off in their field with some gifted talents but what spur them to be the champion now? Is It their talents, desire, skills, etc. that drive them to be the best in the world?

Athletes have been taught and trained to program themselves for success before actual sporting events to perform the best. They rehearse their winning in their mind, felt that win before the event and play it out on the actual event that the world sees.

Coaches around the world have used sport programming techniques to program athletes for success. Coaches understand sport psychology so well that they use it to prepare the athletes to peak and achieve best their performance.

Sport psychology is the study of athletes’ behavior factors that influence their active participation in sport, exercise, and physical activity. It works with the mental aspects of sport performance such as improving mental toughness, regaining composure, increasing confidence or refining focus. Coaches focus on the strategic and physical components of competition through skill development and routine practice. However, sports psychology professionals strive to enhance the minds of athletes to help them identify the internal and external triggers that impact performance. As a result of mental game coaching, athletes are more mentally equipped to handle the pressures of competition, overcome negative thoughts or beliefs, enter the zone more quickly and remain focused for longer periods of time. All of these skills lead to improved performance and a stronger, champion mindset!

Champion athletes have mastered the mental game toughness in sports. They understand that their mindset - attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts - influence their performance behavior. They have the knowledge to perform free from mental game obstacles so they can get the most out of their athletic abilities.

Under-achievers of all ages and abilities can learn the same strategies and program themselves to perform consistently well not only in competition but also other areas in their lives, to boost their performance and give them the mental toughness skills to succeed in life.

Achievers have learned to uncover behaviors and attitudes that prevent them from performing their best. They have not only learned to excel by mastering the mental strategies to take them to the next level but they have also learned to peak their performance in life. They understood why practice is important to program their muscle memory for successful movements that carry them like a true champion in whatever they do. It can be just the speech they deliver, their body language being perceived by others, that facial smile to the people around, etc. which needed the excellent control and contraction of each muscle in their body anatomy. They have understood how the practices improve their practice efficiency that when they execute it, it’s always the best and winning formula that people inspire to emulate. They have uncovered the secrets to peak performance that under-achievers have failed to realize!

Under-achievers need to learn how to break free of their frustration caused by not performing up to your potential in life. Talent and hard work alone does not produce peak performance in life. Talent, hard work, and determination combined with mental toughness leads achievers into the winner's circle - consistently!

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Sean Toh &
Credit Plus Health's Team

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Why Achievers Have Super Conscience Creativity?

How much creative potential do achievers have? Numerous research investigations have highlighted the importance of certain personality attributes of achievers for creative functioning. These attributes include, but are not limited to, self-confidence and a willingness to overcome obstacles, to take sensible risks, and to tolerate ambiguity. Achievers deliberately make super conscience efforts to pursue ideas that are unknown or controversial often means defying the crowd.

Because of their intrinsic, task-focused motivation they have the capability to come out with creative works. Achievers rarely do truly creative work in an area unless they really love what they are doing. This love and passion allow them to focus on the work rather than on the potential rewards. Interestingly, carrying out their creative activities also simultaneously helps to generate their intrinsic motivation.

For their creative works to evolve, achievers need an environment that is supportive and rewarding of their creative ideas. They could have all of the internal resources needed to think creatively, but without some kind of environmental support such as a forum for proposing those ideas and constructive feedback, their creativity might never be displayed.

All creativity actually begins with a seed of an idea. The problems with under-achievers are they don't feel like they ever have any ideas. When the truth is they have plenty, they just don't capture them, and then forget they ever had them in the first place.

Achievers make a conscience effort to keep an Ideas Journal with them - a notebook to jot down creative ideas as they come to them - and get into the habit of using it. The more ideas they capture, the more ideas will follow. It's like one big ideas party in their journal!

Achievers believe they are highly creative. However, under-achievers can’t be creative because don't think they are creative. Their beliefs are the ceiling for their creativity, and if their ceilings are low, you're short changing them in what you're capable of. Underachievers have to start by looking at their current beliefs around creating and how creative they are. Do they think: "I am highly creative and my ideas flow like a raging river"? Or do they believe: "I will always struggle to create; I've barely any natural talent"? Identify all their beliefs, highlight the positive ones, and turn the negative ones around. They have to begin to think of themselves as a creative person and of creativeness as a set of skills that they can practice and get better at using. Next, they have to make conscience efforts to surround themselves with people who love and support them, particularly those who can give them honest and constructive feedback. They also have to try to expose themselves to a diversity of environments, cultures, ideas, and symbols.

By learning to experiment with creative thinking techniques, such as mind-mapping, brainstorming, lateral thinking, simulation exercises, etc., they test out their thoughts and ideas in a variety of media. They also need to take time to relax and rest their mind to properly reflect on and digest different ideas.

Achievers try to probe deeper on things that, on the surface, seem obvious. They are not afraid to ask questions. Some of the most penetrating questions are so-called ‘dumb’ questions. The only dumb questions are the ones that are not asked. They will make time meditating on their own strengths and weaknesses, and understanding and overcoming their personal blocks to creativity. These obstacles could be a big ego, fear of embarrassment, negative thinking, entrenched routines, and self-criticism.

It is important to remember that creativity requires great patience and humility; a willingness to work hard for creative outcomes; and, deep concentration on the power of intrinsic creative forces. Believe you can become a creative achiever today by making super conscience efforts to be creative from here!

P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members.

Sean Toh &
Credit Plus Health's Team

Monday, August 18, 2008

Why Achievers Understand ‘TOO SOON OLD! TOO LATE SMART!’ Concept So Well?

Too soon we get old, and too late we get smart is the old Yiddish proverb! Generally, under-achievers get smart too late in their lives. By the time, when they are smart, they are also too old to be able to reap many benefits from life after being smart. Achievers seemed to understand this concept “Too Soon Old! Too Late Smart!” so well that they want to be smart first before they are too old to achieve anything or whatever goals they set in life.

Achievers understand that by making slow and steady contributions just to win the day they don’t have to rush later in life. They can then enjoy their fruits of labors while they are still young. They start their day early; investing everything they can afford to, and they know that the resources they invested in are working for them in the long term to bear fruits of successes for them.

Under-achievers fail to understand themselves well enough in their relations with their environments and interactions to be able to make very decisive choices to be smart. Their stubborn characteristic and fear of failing prevent them from being smart to learn from the processes. Instead of moving on and learning something from that encounter, they devoted their time and resources in doing things that they could never excel in and they will complain about life and grow old in the process.

Times flies! Achievers want to learn so fast and they want to become smart fast before they are too old, enjoying all their fruits of labors. They will make informed decisions and they are rational in abandoning activities that are not productive, not leveraging enough or they can never be good at from their in-depth understanding of themselves even if they have the perseverance to continue doing them. They understand themselves so well that they want to make very decisive judgments to succeed before they are too old.

More often, underachievers describe themselves as living a boring or conflicted coexistence that makes economic sense but lacking in excitement or emotional satisfaction. Much of their difficulty in developing & sustaining personal relationships resides in their failure to recognise, in themselves as well as in others, those personality characteristics that make them a poor candidate for a committed relationship.

Under-achievers often ask for medication. They are tired of their sad mood, fatigue, & loss of interest in things that previously gave them pleasure. They are having trouble sleeping or they sleep all the time; their appetites are absent or excessive. They are irritable & their memories are shot. Often they wish they were dead. They have trouble remembering what it is to be happy.

From my research into the behaviors of under-achievers, there are certain recurring themes in their stories: Others in their families have lived similarly discouraged lives. The relationships in which they now find themselves are either full of conflict or “low temperature,” with little passion or intimacy. Their days are routine: unsatisfying jobs, few friends, lots of boredom. They feel cut off from the pleasures enjoyed by others. They tend to devote great amounts of time & energy to efforts to assert control over what happens to them in their uncertain progress through life. They are taught to pursue an elusive form of security, primarily through the acquisition of material goods & the means to obtain them. There is a kind of track that they are put on early in life with the implicit suggestion that, if they ‘succeed,’ they will be happy.

Achievers will look at the way they are living with an eye to change. They will not be always talking about what they want, what they intent. Those are dreams and wishes, and are of little value in changing their mood. They are not what they think, or what they say, or how they feel. They are what they do. They educate themselves that not being in control is a popular illusion closely related to the pursuit of perfection. They have come to understand that such a world is impossible, sometimes they would even go to great lengths to achieve whatever control they can over those around them through the exercise of power or manipulation. Instead, they would learn to be smart and go on to do what they can achieve every single minutes of their time and achieve a lot more out of life as compared to most under-achievers.

Learning to be “Too Soon Smart! Too Late Old!” will take some form of paradigm change and education for the under-achievers before they can achieve some success in their lives!

Here are 30 true things under-achievers might need to know, re-educate and change themselves for more success in their lives.

1.If the map doesn’t agree with the ground, the map is wrong.
2.We are what we do.
3.It is difficult to remove by logic an idea not placed there by logic in the first place.
4.The statute of limitations has expired on most of our childhood traumas.
5.Any relationship is under the control of the person who cares the least.
6.Feelings follow behaviour.
7.Be bold, & mighty forces will come to your aid.
8.The perfect is the enemy of the good.
9.Life’s two most important questions are ‘why? & ‘why not? The trick is knowing which one to ask.
10.Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses.
11.The most secure prisons are those we construct for ourselves.
12.The problems of the elderly are frequently serious but seldom interesting.
13.Happiness is the ultimate risk.
14.True love is the apple of Eden.
15.Only bad things happen quickly.
16.Not all who wander are lost.
17.Unrequited love is painful but not romantic.
18.There is nothing more pointless, or common, than doing the same things & expecting different results.
19.We flee from the truth in vain.
20.It’s a poor idea to lie to oneself.
21.We are all prone to the myth of the perfect stranger.
22.Love is never lost, not even in death.
23.Nobody likes to be told what to do.
24.The major advantage of illness is that it provides relief from responsibility.
25.We are afraid of the wrong things.
26.Parents have a limited ability to shape children’s behaviour, except for the worst.
27.The only real paradises are those we have lost.
28.Of all the forms of courage, the ability to laugh is the most profoundly therapeutic.
29.Mental health requires freedom of choice.
30.Forgiveness is a form of letting go, but they are not the same thing.

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