Thursday, December 20, 2007

How To Become A Successful TOWKAY (Towkay - Entrepreneur in The Hokkien Lauguage In Singapore!)

Dear Friends,

If you are thinking of offering your kids an education about entrepreneurship in fun-loving ways, grab a copy of the latest book written by Ah Chuan.

"TOWKAY HO SEH BOH?" is the latest book published by Rank Books to teach young people about Entrepreneurship. A straight-talking book written in English with a good dose of Singlish, Hokkien and Chinese.

Singapore is encouraging more young people to become entrepreneurs but to be an entrepreneur, one has to know the hard work and heartbreak to becoming a true entrepreneur. We always see the good realities of being our own "Boss" but how many us really see the difficulties entrepreneurs have to suffer before they achieve any successes!

This book actually provides young readers a realistic picture of what it means to be an entrepreneur and tells the basic values and mindsets an entrepreneur must cultivate to build a strong foundation to be a true successful entrepreneur.
A simple book to empower your kids about entrepreneurship in a fun and humorous way as they learn about the insights of real entrepreneurship.

Here are two short video clips about this book -

Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh

Friday, December 07, 2007

Are you too busy working with no time left to look after your health and fitness?

Dear Professionals,
If the above sounds like you, then it’s high time to take a cold hard look at your current lifestyle. Health is something we should not be taken granted for, especially when you are working in a highly-stressed environment. Lifestyle conditions like high blood pressure, overweight, high blood cholesterol, if left unattended, can lead to serious chronic diseases.
The good news is, these conditions can actually be prevented and reversed though a proper exercise regimen and simple dietary program. The question is: are you doing it? You may cite ‘no time’ as the reason (should we say ‘excuse’?) but in reality, to get fit and stay healthy (with the exception of those very overweight) does not require more than 45 mins of 3 days a week of training nor eat a perfect diet. The key is to do it correctly.
Most workout routines take too long to complete. Fitness Tutor is a fitness consulting firm dedicated to help busy professionals get in shape in minimum time and without spending long hours working out in the gym. Their Body-Transformation-Programs and Health-Transformation-Programs are all based on their ‘Natural Kinetic Exercises’ and Eat-On-Demand’ Strategies. For nearly a decade, FT has helped hundreds of busy professionals (whom many are busy lawyers, medical specialists, accountants, consultants, CEOs and bankers) to transform their bodies and health.
Natural Kinetic Exercises (NKE) are based on the concept of synergism, where the whole is greater than the sum of parts. They are actually exercises done mainly with free weights (dumbbells and barbells), your own bodyweight, simple tools like sandbags and limit the use of machines. Reasons? Training on machines exclusively is a non-functional way of exercising and is actually bad for your body in the long run. This is because our muscles and joints are forced to move in a fixed predicted 2-D plane and is restricted in range of motion. But if you were to look at our body carefully, it is actually designed to move in a magnitude of planes and wide range-of-motions. So why exercise in a way that is neither natural nor functional? Exercising in the confined situation will make you strong in that particular movement but leave you weak in the other areas and leave you more susceptible to injuries when you do normal activities.
A good example of NKE is the pushup exercise. Can you recall the feelings you got when you did a few rounds of pushups - the burning sensations felt in the various muscles (chest, arms, shoulders and abdominal) and how the heart is racing and your catching for air? Pushups and many NKE call for more muscles involvement and are beneficial in many other ways. They burn more calories, work the stabilising muscles and connective tissues, flexibility, cardiovascular system and are fun to do. In a nutshell, NKE do much more in less time. If you have watched the movie ‘300’ and admire the physiques of the warriors, you would be surprised that they never used a typical gym machine to build their bodies and their exercises are similar to NKE. Through doing NKE, guys get rugged built and ladies achieve feminine bodies.
Eat-On-Demand (EOD) is a simple and a highly effective way of management weight through clever carbohydrates and nutrients manipulations, based on your daily activities and requirements. Many busy professionals eat a disproportionate of food daily. Yet some don’t eat much. Both are making a big mistake. The former will pile on weight rapidly because excess intake is not burned. The latter is not getting enough to fuel for even normal activities. Instead of trying to severely cutting down calories or trying to count them and measuring portion sizes, EOD teaches you how to easily select food types and their quantity to match the amount physical activities that are coming up on the day.
About the author
Paul is the founder of Fitness Tutor ( and owner of Transformation Studio at River Valley Rd. He has a Master’s Degree in Exercise and Nutrition Science and is the only Singaporean (amongst with 300 other world’s top trainers) to be awarded the Gold Certified Advanced Fitness Specialist, one of the most highly regarded fitness certifications in the world by the American Council On Exercise (ACE). He is also a lecturer for the Singapore Sports Council (SSC) Fitness Instructor Course. He writes for many consumer and industry publications and speaks frequently for companies. For enquires about his programs, please email him
For a FREE special report written by him on "How To Get Maximum Weight Loss & Fitness Results In Minimum Time", send email with ‘report’ in the subject line to:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mangosteen, Xanthones, and Antioxidants

The mangosteen is a fruit, technically known as Garcinia mangostana L., that is unique to tropical areas of Southeast Asia. Mangosteen is so prized by inhabitants of these countries that it is universally known as the "Queen of Fruits". The raw mangosteen is fragile and the United States forbids its importation due to the risk of harmful pests entering the country. One of the admirable qualities of the mangosteen is its beauty. It is about the size of a tangerine and is deep purple in color on the outside, with a bright white pulp in the inside. Because of its appearance and high xanthone content, the mangosteen is truly one of Mother Earth's natural wonders.

Xanthones are biologically active plant phenols that are packed with antioxidants and have proven medicinal properties. Because of its pharmaceutical properties, xanthones have been studied extensively for their medicinal potential. Mangosteen is the most plentiful source of antioxidants with over 30 xanthones. The mangosteen fruit provides many health benefits. Scientific research proves xanthones in mangosteen may reverse cholesterol and high blood pressure issues, and help as an anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and anti-fungal, to name a few.

There is no other fruit on the planet that combines a distinctly delicious taste and overwhelming health benefits as that of the mangosteen. There is proven research on the health benefits of the mangosteen fruit, and the reports are very promising. A growing number of health practitioners are using the fruit in their clinical practice as first-line or adjunctive therapy to treat their patients. Mangosteen is available commercially in the form of juice, tea, or capsules and can be purchased in health stores and online.

For centuries, the Southeast Asia communities have known about the many health benefits of the mangosteen juice. The mangosteen fruit contains many antioxidant properties, which you probably already know, are very good for you. Over 50 independent studies to date substantiate its health benefits, and research is numerous and ongoing. There are numerous accounts all over the Internet of individuals who have experienced firsthand the benefits of the Queen of Fruits. The health benefits of mangosteen will undoubtedly be heralded for a long time to come.

Mangosteen is a natural health supplement food source that can provide the antioxidants lacking from a normal diet. And unlike artificial drugs, which have side effects that we hear more about in the news nearly every day, mangosteen is an all-natural product. The fruit is an absolutely superb treatment for any kind of pain or ailment. If you are looking for a natural way to boost your immune system, prevent future illness, and lead an overall healthier life, mangosteen may be just what you’re looking for.
Still don't know if mangosteen is right for you? Visit to learn more about xanthones and mangosteen health benefits.
Article Source:
Reprinted with permission, complying to the EzineArticles' Terms of Service for Publishers.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Inadequate Life Insurance Leaves Spouses With Less

Hi Friends,

Before I start discussing about Life Insurance, I want you to click the "Play" button to watch this video on not planning Life Insurance for your family. Although the context is based on Americans but I see those scenarios are equally applicable to Singaporeans.

Life insurance is a simple answer to a very difficult question: How will my family manage financially when I die?

It’s a subject no one really wants to think about. But if someone depends on you financially, it’s one you cannot avoid.

There are many types of life insurance, but for all of them the bottom line is the same: It pays cash to your loved ones after you die, replacing your income and allowing the financial plans you put in place to continue uninterrupted. Life insurance payments can be used to cover daily living expenses, mortgage payments, outstanding loans, your child tuition fees and other essential expenses. And, importantly, the death benefit proceeds of a life insurance policy are almost never subject to estate taxes depending on how you plan your estate.

If you’ve worked hard to establish a solid financial framework for your family—investments, home equity, a savings plan, retirement accounts—life insurance is the foundation upon which it all rests. It can guard against the need to make drastic changes to future plans if the unexpected occurs. Certain types of life insurance even have a built-in savings feature that can help you reach asset accumulation goals.

Most Singaporeans need life insurance, and many who already have it may need to update their coverage. This guide will help you sort through your options and show you how to find a plan that’s right for you and your family.

Common Excuses That Shouldn’t Stop You From Getting the Coverage You Need

1. “It’s Too Expensive.”

Not having any or enough life insurance coverage could be more costly to your family.

2. “I Haven’t Gotten Around to It.”

There are no guarantees in life, so don’t procrastinate.

3. “I Prefer to Put My Money Elsewhere.”

Might work if you’re sure you’re going to live a nice long life.

4. “I Worry About Making the Wrong Decision.”

A qualified insurance professional can answer all your questions and guide you through the buying process.

5. “The Coverage I Have Through My Employer Is Sufficient.”

Typically, employers provide a modest amount of coverage, and it can be costly to take with you when you leave.

Do You Care For Your Family?

If you care about your family, think about these scenarios that happen every night and in your family.

Tucking your child into bed, celebrating a birthday, creating a welcoming home. These are little things, but they're ways you show your love for your family. Each time you do something for them you're reminded how much they mean to you.

But what if something were to suddenly happen to you, and you were no longer able to do these things? Because of your love for them, you'd want to protect them the best you could, even if you were no longer there to take care of them yourself.

Having enough life insurance can help your family maintain the lifestyle you've created for them, providing them peace of mind. You'll have helped them live out their dreams, such as attending university for that special career.

Show them your love by making sure you have adequate insurance. Talk to a licensed financial services consultant to discuss your needs.

Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh
Author of “ 4 Steps To financial Freedom “

Contact Us

For more information on how we can assist you in developing your personalized wealth management solutions, please free free to submit your enquiries to and we will contact you.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Taking The Fear Out Of Retirement

Hi Friends,

Worried about being ready for retirement? You’re not alone. But many retirement-related fears can be overcome with some simple tips that I’m going to give you.

Getting started is probably the hardest part of a retirement plan. It's so easy to think your retirement is decades away so why not wait just a little longer to start planning for it. Procrastination could cause you to lose thousands of dollars. Procrastination could mean the difference between a comfortable retirement and one where you are barely getting by. If you're between the ages of 20 and 40, you're probably buying a house, a car, furniture, and thinking about your kid's education fund. However, the most common reply I get from most Singaporean is this. “I barely have enough money for my monthly expenses. How can I save for retirement?” As housing, health care, transportation and education costs continue to rise, so it’s no wonder that saving for retirement may have taken a back seat. But it doesn’t have to. You probably think you can't afford to save for your retirement at this time. You're wrong. Even a small amount invested wisely could be very beneficial in years to come.

Goal Setting

OK, you've decided to start planning for your retirement so where do you go from here? The first thing you must do is to list your retirement goals.Do you want to travel? Retire comfortably or enjoy a even better lifestyle than current one? Maybe you want to start a business that you have so much passion in that will empower others or contribute to the society in a meaning ways. Whatever your goals, you will need an income. You could quite possibly be retired for 30 or more years so you need a plan that will provide an income for several years. How much money will you actually need when you retire? You can use this CPF Calculator to find the answer to this question.


Next, if you already haven't done so, create a budget. If you don't have a clue about how much you spend from month to month, keep a journal of every cent and dollar you spend for three months. You'll see where your money is going and be able to better manage expenses. Your budget must include a payment to your retirement plan even if it's only a few dollars.

Family Members

Discuss your retirement plans with your family, especially your spouse. Chances are you'll both retire at about the same time so you need to be in agreement on this critical part of your life. If you both have a career, you will both be contributing to the retirement fund. Make your decisions together and try to develop a plan that will be acceptable to both of you.

Be focused

Even the best retirement plan could be in serious trouble if you allow yourself to dip into it for frivolous luxuries. If your budget doesn't seem to cover all your expenses, chances are you are confusing necessities with luxuries. Do you really need to upgrade your car or change new model for your mobile phone when it’s out in the market? Do you need to have an expensive holiday or that Louis Vuitton just because of the urge of satisfying your inner desire to have them? Little things eat away at your budget. You don't have to do without, just spend wisely.

Making Choices

Now that you have some money put aside, you need to think about investing so that your nest egg will grow. However, investing your money can present complex challenges to most people who are already so busy with their work and family commitments. Extraordinary care and effort are vital to preserve and enhance the financial success you want to achieve so that you have that nest egg waiting for you to enjoy. That’s when a financial services consultant can help you plan and make changes to your investment portfolio for your retirement when the changes are in response to actual changes in your personal situation rather than to an emotional reaction to swings in the market or a change in performance of a security that you hold when you are too busy to anticipate.

Consult your financial representative

Deciding where to invest is a lot easier with the help of an experienced professional. Get professional help when really do not know where to head. Remember, it’s better to save and have a plan than to enter your later years with empty pockets and no strategy!

Contact Us

For more information on how we can assist you in developing your personalized wealth management solutions, please free free to submit your enquiries to and we will contact you.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Truth About Bad Breath & What the Symptoms Mean

Bad breath is caused by Anaerobic Sulfur Producing Bacteria which normally live WITHIN the surface of the tongue and in the throat. These bacteria are supposed to be there, because they assist humans in digestion by breaking down proteins found in specific foods, mucous or phlegm, blood, and in diseased or "broken-down" oral tissue. Under certain conditions, these bacteria start to break down proteins at a very high rate. Proteins are made up of Amino Acids. Two of the Amino Acids (Cysteine and Methionine) are dense with sulfur.

When these "beneficial" bacteria come into contact with these compounds, the odorous and "lousy-tasting" sulfur compounds are released from the back of the tongue and throat, as Hydrogen Sulfide, Methyl Mercaptan, and other odorous and bad tasting compounds. These "problem" compounds are often referred to as volatile sulfur compounds (VSC), where volatile means Vaporous and Effervescent, two adjectives which accurately describe their ability to offend other people instantly.

Because my original degree is in Bacteriology, let me explain a very important fact about these "bugs". They are not "bad guys" - they are not infectious. Everyone in the world has the same group of bacteria in their mouth. You cannot "catch" bad breath from someone else - even by kissing. Since they are part of our normal oral flora, you cannot permanently remove them from your mouth - not by tongue scraping, not by antibiotics, and not by rinses which claim to "lift the bacteria off your tongue". The only scientifically proven and clinically effective method of halting Halitosis is by attacking the bacteria's ability to produce VSC and by converting the VSC into non-odorous and non-tasting organic salts. (I should know, I've personally treated nearly 10,000 people at my California Breath Clinics and I've helped thousands more through my TheraBreath formulas. Take a look at a small fraction of testimonial letters to see What Doesn't Work!

Speaking about bacteria, there is one other fact that you must understand about these bacteria. They are classified as "Anaerobic" - which literally means "Without Oxygen". They thrive in an environment where Oxygen is NOT present. That is why they DO NOT LIVE ON THE SURFACE OF YOUR TONGUE! They live in between the papillae (fibers) that make up your tongue!

These sulfur compounds are actually by-products of anaerobic bacteria (Fusobacterium and Actinomyces, among others). Everyone needs these bacteria, because they assist the digestion process. But, unfortunately, for some, as yet undetermined reason these particular bacteria are found in higher numbers in those anguished by Bad Breath. (Various theories attribute this to hormonal changes, a history of medications, usually antibiotics or sulfa drugs-which create an imbalance of oral bacteria, or even Genetics-these disorders appear to run in some families.) We do know however, that it seems to be evenly split between men and women.

Conditions under which the problem becomes worse:

Dry MouthAlthough some cases of dry mouth are naturally occurring, most cases are caused by one of these factors; prescription medications (usually prescribed for high blood pressure or depression) antihistamines, and adult beverages, with alcohol in them. (see "Why Regular Products Don't Work")

When your mouth is dryer, you have less Saliva. Saliva naturally contains Oxygen, which keeps your mouth healthy and fresh. These bacteria are anaerobic, which simply means that they will thrive and make more sulfur in the presence of little or no oxygen. Thus if you have less Saliva, you have less oxygen, thereby creating an anaerobic environment, perfect for the bacteria to produce more of these odorous and sour/bitter compounds. For people with Dry Mouth, products such as Saliva Stimulation Tablets can help greatly.

Post-Nasal DripWe know that proteins contain amino acids, which in turn contain sulfur compounds (see text above). When a person has a post nasal drip, mucus drains and coats the back of the tongue and throat, exactly where bacteria live (see diagram above). Since mucus is made up of interlinked strands of protein, the bacteria have a field day, breaking down these proteins into odorous and sour tasting sulfur type compounds. Strong Antihistamines don't help, because the drying effect of the antihistamines also creates a problem. The only method of ending the odor and taste are to use Oxyd-VIII based oral products. Many of my patients with post nasal drip have claimed great success with use of the Nasal-Sinus Drops.

What About The Sinuses?After personally treating nearly 9,000 people worldwide, I have yet to see a patient get rid of his bad breath following sinus surgery. First of all, these anaerobic bacteria cannot live in the sinuses. When someone has a sinus infection, one of the common symptoms are intense sinus headaches, caused by the pressure from the infection in the sinus. If you don't have these powerful headaches, you probably don't have a sinus problem. The fact is that once someone has an elevated amount of these anaerobic bacteria, they will create the problem from any protein source, including mucous, phlegm, etc, which drain down the back of your throat into the area where these bacteria live.

High Protein FoodsThese bacteria love those proteins, and certain foods are packed with them:

Milk and Cheese and most other dairy products. (The fat content does not matter.) If you are lactose intolerant, do not eat or drink these products! Since your system cannot digest them properly, they are available to the bacteria for an extended period of time. A recent research article from the Los Angeles Times (November 1996) on lactose intolerance showed that nearly 67% of all Americans can be classified as "Lactose Intolerant". This is due to the fact that in a diverse population such as we have here, there is a predilection for Asians, Hispanics, and African-Americans to be lactose intolerant.

Fish are high in proteins. As many people eat a high fish diet, logically they make the problem worse.
Coffee with caffeine (and even without) contains high levels of acids which cause the bacteria to reproduce more rapidly and create a bitter taste for many people. (Virtually any acidic type of food will do this.)

Coffee drinking was one of the problems that my patients used to have. After starting my treatment, they have been able to go back to coffee drinking (in moderation of course) without any bitter tastes afterward.

What Works?Oxyd-VIII is the active ingredient in TheraBreath products. It prevents the anaerobic bacteria from creating the odorous sulfide and Mercaptan compounds by "adding oxygen" to the environment. The end result is the formation of a "Sulfate", which has no odor or taste. Most of my patients start out with a Starter Kit and work their way up from there if necessary.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Networking Times - Building People, Communities and Nations!

An Article by XanGo CEO Aaron Garrity

Dear Aspiring Entrepreneurs,
Today, the pursuit of wealth remains a driving ambition for many people, and it’s a big business. There are traveling seminars, online tutorials and training courses, all promising instant wealth. People around the world are paying top dollar to learn every imaginable secret to success.
Against this frantic backdrop, network marketing professionals remain focused on helping individuals build a business enterprise that is both sustaining and rewarding, the result of consistent, focused work.
Throughout my career, I have been privileged to help build solid business enterprises. In the pursuit of success, I have observed how some achieve their goals while others do not. Success is not given, but is earned through persistence, focus and diligence.
As we strive for success, life teaches us valuable lessons and when we learn these lessons we are able to contribute and help others reach greater successes. As we achieve wealth, we are able to help build individuals, communities and nations.
In the fifth year of phenomenal growth of a highly successful natural products company, I have been able to observe and learn from the great examples of the individuals that surround me. Working daily to change the lives of others in so many ways, they apply their wealth generously.
When founding our company, business partners Joe Morton, Gordon Morton, Kent Wood, Bryan Davis, Gary Hollister and I made a commitment to include charitable giving as part of our business model. Our beginning commitment was simple: to help those who were not in a position to help themselves. The simplicity of that commitment has resulted in hundreds of thousands of independent distributors standing by our side in this cause, and that number grows each day.
Since the day we first opened our doors, the founding partners, distributors and employees have understood the eternal principle that applies to all who use it: when you lift someone in need, you are somehow lifted in the process. Through several charitable initiatives, we have assisted children and families from Thailand to Mexico, from Africa to Canada and the United States and just about everywhere in between.
In what we have termed today as a goodness movement, our philanthropic culture has become infectious. Each founder, distributor, employee and business partner does his or her part in making the world a better place and strengthening the communities in which they live.
As a result of this movement, we have gained a wealth of compassion, wisdom, knowledge and faith. We have learned that any amount of wealth shared with those in need is matched and exceeded by a greater amount of gratitude, joy and understanding.
As we all forge a path of financial freedom, we also remember the invaluable lessons presented duringthe journey. We hope to find equal wealth in the relationships we have developed, the smiles we have sparked, the awareness we have heightened and the improvements we have encouraged.
Nov/Dec 2007
XanGo CEO Aaron Garrity

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Suggestions On How To Avoid Overindulging In Food During The Festive Season!

Here are suggestions on how to avoid overindulging in food!
Number one: Don't feel like you have to eat everything in front of you -- when you start to get full, stop.

If you're eating at a restaurant eat just an appetizer for your meal, as portion sizes usually are smaller than entrees.
If you order an entree try splitting the portion with someone else.

When you get your meal, immediately set aside half of it to take home and eat later.

People are constantly telling me how busy they are. They are also constantly asking me how they can't find the time to work exercise into their day.
My response is always the same. I always tell them that that nobody knows the details of their life as they do and nobody can find that time in their schedule for them.

Reality is that if you make healthy living your first priority, you will find the time.

My motto is: Live Wise with Exercise - Move It And Lose It!

Why not make today the day you find the time? Make it happen! You are worth the effort!!

Here are some simple fitness tips to implement!
1. Go for a short walk before breakfast, after dinner or both. Start with a 10-minute walk and work up to 30 minutes.

2. Walk or bike to the corner store.

3. When watching television, pedal a stationary bicycle.

4. Park on the outskirts of a shopping mall and walk to the stores. As busy as I am, I find a way to fit in exercise almost every day.

If you are currently not engaged in a regular exercise program, please do your mind, your body and your spirit a tremendous favor and find a way to make that happen.

There is NO substitution for exercise and it’s a must for healthy living, fitness and weight loss.

Have a Safe & Healthy Holiday Season!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

XanGo's First Anniversary In Singapore - 14 Nov 2007

An International Company That You Should Be In To Ride On It's Growth!

Dear Aspiring Entrepreneurs,
Let me share with you some of my secrets behind my wealth creation journey. Probably you have not heard of XanGo because XanGo's presence in Singapore has just been one year as XanGo celerbrated it's first year anniversary party on 14 Nov 2007 at Singapore XanGo's office.
Starting a business from scratch can be an enormous task that put most people away from starting their own business. Have you ever wonder why most people continue to be poor as they chose to work for Multi-National Corporations or in secure jobs that offers the recipe for little financial freedom if they don't plan their personal finances at all.
The rich becomes richer because they pick a business model that give them lots of leverage that help them build their wealth. Now, XanGo is the business model that you should start to examine and get into to reap the exponential returns that you will never able going to dream of.
An international brand with little start-up capital of less than $300 Singapore currency and you will have the support of professional office to meet your potential prospects with an international self-selling health supplement product that don't need you to hard-sell to your prospects. Your potential prospects can try out XanGo juice in the Singapore XanGo's office and the Singapore staffs will support you in your business facilitation process of signing up your prospects without you worrying about the problems of business administration.
Why start a business from scratch with little success and lots of time and efforts wasted, arriving with maybe no wealth to the end of your entrepreneur journey?

Lori Jones
Sean's Business Partner In XanGo Distribution

Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh
Author of “4 Steps To Financial Freedom”

Thursday, November 08, 2007


Now's a Great Time to Introduce XanGo to your WARM Market!

MANGOSTEEN FEATURED ON THE OPRAH WINFREY SHOW THIS PAST MONDAY NOVEMBER 5TH, 2007 Turns out that Dr. Mehmet Oz, a regularly on Oprah's show, aka "America's Doctor," revealed to the world that he is a big fan of mangosteen calling it an "ancient healing secret that has strong antioxidants to promote everything from sexuality to longevity."

What does this mean to you ? Not much unless you're out there spreading the word. Now is the time. Mangosteen is going mainstream! Several people have told me that they heard Oprah on TV yesterday with her Dr. Oz and that mangosteen was mentioned favorably. My brother in law called and now wants to use XanGo for his health because of Oprah's credibility! Funny since we've been telling him about it for 3 years now! -Heidi Cox

Now's a Great Time to Introduce XanGo to your WARM Market!

Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh
Author of “4 Steps To Financial Freedom”

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What Happens When 3 Extraordinary Teachers from "the Secret" Come Together to Teach the Science

The Science of Getting Rich is a timeless classic written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. It is a bold title for a book and suggests that getting rich is a predictable outcome if one can master the principles outlined in the book. Here is how Wallace D. Wattles puts it in his own words, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."

Certainly, this book is well referenced by many of the great teachers today and it is the same book that inspired Rhonda Byrne to produce that runaway success "the Secret". Here is what Rhonda Byrne said on her introductory note to the book, "I can honestly say that, since that first night when a tattered printed manuscript found its way to me (thanks to one of my daughters), my life has never been the same. Once you read it for yourself, you will understand why". Rhonda went on to produce the movie "the Secret" and the best-selling book of the same title which has sold millions of copies worldwide.
However, learning how to do things in that "certain way" as described by Wallace D. Wattles may be more challenging for some as the book was written nearly 100 years ago. Some of the language is a little dated and much of its wisdom lost from a modern day perspective.
Fortunately, a new training seminar for the Science of Getting Rich has brought the wisdom of this timeless classic back to life for modern readers. Called "the Science of Getting Rich", this program is the most comprehensive training system for mastering Wallace D. Wattles wealth creation philosophies and principles since its creation. It comprises written, audio and live seminar formats for learning, applying and mastering the Science of Getting Rich

A unique "twist" to the program is the fact that it has an in-built vehicle for creating substantial financial wealth through its affiliate program. This is truly a unique wealth eduction and wealth building program designed to empower any individual with the resources to get rich. It is a program whose time has come. The program would not be possible without the original text from Wallace D. Wattles, the skills of leading teachers of our time, the phenomenal success of "the Secret" and the Internet as a learning and distribution tool.

The Science of Getting Rich Teachers:

Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor is an author, lecturer, counselor, business consultant, entrepreneur, and teacher preaching the gospel of positive thinking, self-motivation and maximizing human potential. In that endeavor, he follows in the footsteps of such motivational giants as Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale and Wallace D. Wattles.
His extraordinary teaching ability has won Proctor acclaim around the globe and has carried the Canadian-born motivator to the far reaches of the earth. He is as well known in Australia and Malaysia as he is in Alberta and Mississippi.

Born in a little town in northern Ontario, Canada with the low self-esteem that often befalls a family's middle child, he performed poorly in school, dropped out and did a hitch in the navy. Afterward he drifted from one dead-end job to another until a friend introduced Bob to the concept of self-development through Napoleon Hill's classic Think and Grow Rich.

With the spark generated by Hill's words, Proctor found the initiative to start an office cleaning business which he grew to international scope in his first year of operation. From that experience - after seeing what he had been able to accomplish with just a rudimentary knowledge of personal motivation and goal-setting - he hungered for more information.

His quest took him to the Nightingale-Conant organization to study under his mentor, Earl Nightingale. Once on board, he rose swiftly through the ranks. Eventually, while the Nightingale-Conant organization assumed the forefront in wide-scale distribution of personal development programs, Bob felt the need to take his ideas and methods directly to the individual, to the one-on-one level which had proved so successful for himself.

In the mid 1970's, Proctor established his own seminar company and secured a contract to work with a few hundred agents of Prudential Life Insurance Co. of America in Chicago. During his first seminar Bob made the suggestion that any agent present could write $5 million in business that year if the agent made a decision to do so.

The fact that the seminar took place in July with the year half over and that no agent in that region had ever written so much business in the 100-year history of the company made Bob's suggestion appear to be outrageous. However, when the performance level of the entire division increased substantially with more than one agent actually accomplishing the deed, Bob's reputation as a motivator was established.
Over the ensuing years, Proctor has shared his special message and expertise with hundreds of business entities worldwide and, through a program of live seminars, with thousands of people of all ages in all walks of life.

Meanwhile, in addition to his international best-seller You Were Born Rich, he found time to author other works as well, including Mission in Commission, The Winner's Image, The Goal Achiever, The Success Series, The Success Puzzle, The Recruiting Puzzle, and Being Your Very Best.

Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield is an American motivational speaker, trainer and author. He is best known as the founder and co-creator of The New York Times No. 1 best-selling "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series, which currently has over 65 titles and 80 million copies in print in over 37 languages. According to USA Today, Canfield and his writing partner, Mark Victor Hansen, were the top-selling authors in the United States in 1997.
With a BA from Harvard University, a Masters from University of Massachusetts, and an honorary doctorate from the University of Santa Monica, Canfield has been a high school and university teacher, a workshop facilitator, a psychotherapist, and for the past 30 years, a leading authority in the area of self-esteem and personal development.

Canfield is the founder of "Self Esteem Seminars" in Santa Barbara, and "The Foundation for Self Esteem" in Culver City, California. Self Esteem Seminars trains entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders and employees on how to accelerate the achievement of their personal and professional goals, while The Foundation for Self Esteem provides self-esteem resources and trainings to social workers, welfare recipients and human resource professionals. Canfield is also the President of, a speaking resource service that provides inspirational speakers for event planners worldwide.

Canfield has traveled to over 21 countries, delivering hundreds of keynote speeches, workshops and trainings each year. As part of his presentation style, he always uses inspirational, motivational and uplifting stories to help his audiences discover, experience and retain key concepts and approaches. After each session, audiences everywhere had encouraged him to put his stories into a single book.

In 1990, while on an airplane home, he felt that it was time. He shared his idea with author Mark Victor Hansen during breakfast one day. Hansen liked the idea, and so began the Chicken Soup for the Soul phenomenon. But with their busy schedules, translating what worked on the podium onto the written page proved more challenging than either of them had anticipated. After three long years, the two had compiled just sixty-eight stories — a far cry from the 101 they believed was the magic number for a successful book. Nonetheless, their successful partnership has spawned many other titles that have made them enormously famous.

Canfield has appeared on numerous television shows, including Good Morning America, 20/20, Eye to Eye, CNN's Talk Back Live, PBS and the BBC. Today, he speaks shares his success strategies with companies and associations worldwide.

The most recent book Canfield has written was the 2005 publication of The Success Principles. In it Canfield shares 64 principles that he and other people have utilized to achieve great levels of success.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

2007 Olympia Weekend Mens Finals Double Down!

The 2007 Mr. Olympia came down to the final round, as Victor Martinez pushed Jay Cutler to the limit before coming up a point short.

Cutler, who admitted he was a little off on Friday night, charged back at the Saturday finals, becoming a multi-Olympia winner on the same night when perhaps the sports greatest champion, Ronnie Coleman, made his final bow on the O stage, finishing fourth and getting two standing ovations from the sold out Orleans Arena crowd.

In third place was Dexter Jackson, the 2005 and 2006 Arnold Classic champ who earlier this year lost that title to Martinez. It was a validation for The Blade that he is still a force to be reckoned with, as he beat out Coleman, a hard-charging Dennis Wolf in fifth, and Marvelous Melvin Anthony in sixth.

Perhaps no one made a bigger stride in this contest than Wolf. The German was a huge crowd favorite, and showed every ounce of his future Mr. Olympia potential. The crowd booed at his placing (viewing it as too low), and he also won the Fan's Choice award with 32% of the votes cast (Martinez was second at 27%).

For blow-by-blow coverage, check out the Flex forums under Gossip, where we posted prejudging commentary by Editor-in-Chief Peter McGough, Chris Cormier and Flex Staff Writer Allan Donnelly, as well as finals reports as the decisions went down.

Top 10
1) Jay Cutler
2) Victor Martinez
3) Dexter Jackson
4) Ronnie Coleman
5) Dennis Wolf
6) Melvin Anthony
7) Silvio Samuel
8) Gustavo Badell
9) Johnnie Jackson
10) David Henry

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Why Is XanGoTM The Fastest Growing Company In Home Based Business?

Is XanGoTM The GoogleTM Of The Supplement World? The iPodTM Of The Wellness Revolution?

Many experts think so as XanGo™ has proven to be the fastest growing health and wellness product to ever hit the market, and is in the process of writing one of the greatest success stories in the history of business!

XanGo™ is the First Commercially Available Mangosteen Product, Ever. So Unique, it's Patented!

Manufactured by same company as Capri Sun™, Arizona Ice Tea™ & SOBE™
Nearly $500 million in sales in just the first 3 years with just one single product!
On track to reach $1 Billion by 2007, less than half the amount of time it took Microsoft!
The Xango Business Opportunity

With XanGo™, you have the Upside Potential of a True Ground Floor Opportunity, with none of the risk! Wild Flavors is World Famous as the Manufacturer of CAPRI SUN™, SOBE™, Arizona Ice Tea ™, and over 70% of all Healthy Beverages that line grocery store shelves. XanGo™ has joined with Wild to form a Strategic Global Alliance, creating the most exciting Home Based Business Opportunity in the World!

In just the first 6 months XanGo™ had already surpassed what it took SOBE™ - Wild's previous top selling product 3 years to do!

XanGo™ is Wild's most successful product launch in its 70 year history and is on track to become Wild's #1 product ever, ahead of global giants like Nestle™ and Kraft™ foods!

With Wild Flavors as XanGo's™ Manufacturing Partner, not since Aloe Vera 30 years ago has a Product exploded onto the Health & Wellness Scene with such Worldwide Appeal!

XanGo™ Is Prepared To Support Explosive Growth

XanGo™ has one of the most experienced management teams ever assembled to operate a network marketing enterprise. They have grown several large companies in the past, so they know what it takes to launch, brand and expand a revolutionary new product like XanGo™, into the marketplace. By using powerful systems, top quality support services and cutting edge technology, distributor checks and product are always delivered on time. They have the core processes and backup systems in place to accommodate rapid growth. Plus, with WILD Flavors as XanGo™'s Manufacturing Partner, XanGo™ has the muscle of a 70 year old, multi-billion dollar company by its side, to keep plenty of product moving around the world, as XanGo™ is continually opening up new and expanding markets.

XanGo™'s Explosive Growth Is Because Of It's Network Marketing System That Enable Distributors To Hit Exponential Sales!

Understand The Business Model!

Network marketing is a proven method of distributing products whereby companies, instead of paying advertisers and conventional distribution systems to promote their products, pay individual distributors, like you, commissions based on how much product your organization markets. Ultimately, network marketing is about a lot of people personally using an affordable amount of product each month and sharing the product and their success with others. It is a way to reward participants commensurate with their individual efforts and for the efforts of others in their network. It allows everyone to participate at their own level of desire and commitment. It allows distribution costs formerly paid to business distributors at various levels to be paid to individuals who assume the distribution function. Network marketing is a huge, multi-billion dollar per year industry and it is growing more in size and acceptance every year, as it truly gives average people an opportunity to generate above average income.

Why You Should Become A XanGo™ Distributor?

Enjoy the exquisite taste and powerful health benefits of mangosteen at the lowest possible wholesale prices, create the lifestyle you've always dreamed of, get in at the ground floor with the next Billion Dollar Giant in the network marketing industry, earn outrageous bonuses and free trips to Hawaii, Thailand and other exotic locations, build an international business from the comfort of your own home, be a part of the solution to helping people gain back their health and regain control of their lives with no inventory, no employees, no overhead, no selling and no boss! Plus, people just like you are making a fortune right now marketing XanGo™ with us, and creating tremendous momentum for everyone on board who is taking action and reaching for the top.

What Are The Costs Involved In Becoming A Distributor?

XanGo™ charges distributors a one-time sign-up fee of $35. Based on the plan selected at signup. Each case of XanGo™costs $100 USD and approximately $15-per-case for shipping and any taxes if applicable.

What Is Auto Delivery Program And How Does It Work?

The XanGo™ Auto Delivery Program (ADP) is a unique system wherein the company automatically sends case orders to its distributors one time each month. Auto Delivery is processed on or around the 14th of each month and are shipped between the 15th and the 17th of each month. Funds are processed prior to the cases being shipped.

Do I Have To Order Product Every Month?

In order to qualify and participate in XanGo™'s compensation plan, distributors should be on a monthly Auto Delivery Program to maximize commissions from XanGo™.

Am I Able To Personally Sponsor More Than Three People?

Yes. A unilevel compensation plan allows you to personally sponsor as many people as you desire. You may sponsor distributors as far down in your organization as you like. The XanGo™ compensation plan does not require your personally sponsored distributors to be on any particular level. You can sponsor as many as you like (giving you the initial 30% PowerStart bonus). However, in order to begin qualifying for larger commission checks, it is important to encourage your personally sponsored distributors to personally sponsor (signup) three distributors.

How does the compensation plan work?

How Much Money You Can Make From XanGo!

This is a unilevel compensation system paying down nine levels incorporating streamlined compression and no breakage. You can receive compensation weekly from sponsorship bonuses, monthly from unilevel or product volume, and quarterly from global bonus pool participation based on qualification.

What are PowerStart and Unilevel commissions?

With the PowerStart bonus, you can receive 30% of the initial order of your personally sponsored distributors and 15% of distributors they sign up. Your Unilevel commission check is sent out monthly on, or before, the 20th of each month. This check comprises the commission percentages from each level of your downline.

People Are Not Duplicable... But Tools And System Are!

Tens of thousands of people each month are Discovering Mangosteen not only for their Physical Health, but their Financial Health as well.Our system allows you to capitalize on the Massive Worldwide Growth that XanGo™ is now experiencing in 14 countries and has already proven to create Six and even Seven Figure Incomes in less than 24 months.

Ordinary people are achieving extraordinary incomes in record time through the combined power of duplication and leverage. Now it's your turn!

Low Start Up

No Overhead

No Inventory

No Employees

Proven System

Free Training

Unlimited Income

How Does Xango Work?

Rather than spending money on Television, Radio, Newspapars and the Internet, XanGo™ would rather pay you to share this product with others, throughWord-of-Mouth-Advertising.
Think about this for a moment...When you eat a great meal or see a great movie, have you ever received a check from a restaurant owner or a movie producer for recommending their products to others? Probably not.

However, with XanGo™, you will earn income every time you refer a new person to try some product.

As your XanGo™ network grows, so does your check! Finally, a way to get paid what you're worth. Best of all, you can build it part-time, around your schedule!

When you become a XanGo™ distributor, you will also be given the opportunity to purchase your very own Marketing System just like this one, 100% Customized with your information, so you can start sharing XanGo™ with others right away.

Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh
Discover Mangosteen
Credit Plus Health
Click Here Now to Become A Real Entrepreneur By Using A Low Cost! High Leverage System!

XanGo - The New Revolutionary Mangosteen Juice For Your Health!

Introducing XanGo

While the scientific community has been studying the benefits of the Mangosteen for decades, no one has thought to bring these incredible benefits to the world in a potent, convenient form. Until now.

The Power of Our Whole Fruit Puree

Now there's XanGo, the first complete nutritional product of the Mangosteen fruit of Southeast Asia. XanGo is a whole fruit puree, utilizing the pericarp as well as the pulp of this extraordinary tropical fruit. XanGo delivers all the benefits of Alpha Mangostin and Gamma Mangostin, the xanthones (nature's super-antioxidant) that have proven to be so rich in life-enhancing qualities. XanGo represents the next generation of powerful phytonutrients that will change the landscape of health and nutrition forever.

In one singular dietary supplement, you get all of the miraculous benefits of xanthones, nature's super-antioxidant. The whole fruit puree of the prized mangosteen, XanGo™ Juice not only delivers these extraordinary benefits, but it delivers them in an indescribably delicious beverage.

Why Xango?

The brand name XanGo was created from two words: Xanthones and Mangosteen. And while this brand name represents the origin of the beverage, it will also come to represent much more to the people who enjoy it.

The first dietary supplement of its kind, with its distinctive, eye-catching logo, XanGo is readily identified as a true category creator. The XanGo brand will come to symbolize the best in scientific research and the most trustworthy in delivering nutritional benefits.

The XanGo Corporation realizes that the success of our brand will be built on a solid foundation: the energy and efforts of thousands of independent thinkers. Our pledge is to provide a powerful, premium product that will be a source of pride for our employees, distributors, and customers.

XanGo is a truly unique product with natural, universal appeal, and proven science to back it up.

XanGo harnesses the incredible nutritional power of the whole mangosteen fruit, then offers it in the form of an indescribably delicious beverage. It’s difficult to describe the flavor with accuracy. Some people detect a hint of strawberry, while others are reminded of kiwi, pomegranate, or grape. The complex flavor of this sweet, dry beverage, however, wins instant praise from all who try it. And an ounce or two in the morning is all you need to start your day invigorated, rejuvenated, and energized. As the first commercial product to feature the complete nutrition of the whole mangosteen fruit, XanGo™ is an indisputable category creator, unleashing a new superstar in the world of health supplements.

The Whole Fruit Puree of Prized Mangosteen
The Best Source Of Powerful Xanthones
Vital Antioxidants Support
Indescribably Delicious Flavor
No Added Sweeteners
No Artificial Colors
No Artificial Flavors

A Taste Sensation

And the best part is, XanGo is absolutely delicious! We're all familiar with tonics and potions derived from natural plants and herbs. Most have genuine beneficial properties, but the taste leaves so much to be desired. You won't find that with XanGo. The naturally sweet and tangy flavor of the Mangosteen is a taste sensation you have to experience to believe. XanGo has no artificial flavors, no artificial colors, and no added sweeteners. We don't need them!

There has never been a product like XanGo! In one singular drink, you get all of the miraculous benefits of xanthones: powerful antioxidant protection against free radical damage, support for cholesterol concerns, a natural energy enhancer, and more. And you get all this in a drink that you'll look forward to tasting! An ounce of nutrition never tasted so good.


Reconstituted garcinia mangostana juice from whole fruit, apple juice concentrate, pear juice concentrate, grape juice concentrate, pear puree, blueberry juice concentrate, raspberry juice concentrate, strawberry juice concentrate, cranberry juice concentrate, cherry juice concentrate, citric acid, natural flavor, pectin, xanthan gum, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate.

One serving = 1 fl. oz. (30 ml)

Servings per container = 25

Calories = 10

Calories from fat = 0

Total Fat = 0 g

Sodium = 0 mg

Total Carbohydrate = 3 g

Sugars = 2 g

Protein = 0 g

Mangosteen The X-Factor

A look at the health benefits,science and xanthones of Garcinia Mangostana Do not settle for less than optimal health. Whatever you current state, it can be improved.nutrition + exercise + "x" = optimium healthWhat is Mangosteen?The scientific name for the mangosteen fruit is Garcinia Mangostana ant it belongs to the family Guttiferae. What is unique is that mangosteen has not been used in North America or Europe despite its popularity as a folk remedy in Asia and South America. The mangosteen possesses a unique class of phytoceuticals called "XANTHONES" Xanthones are molecules found in plants and are composed of stable carbon-structure molecules. Xanthones have been demonstrated to be effective in inhibiting inflammation as well as serve a potent antioxidants in combating free radical damage.

Mangosteen's versatility comes from its unique chemical makeup.

Over 200 xanthones exist in nature; approximately 40 have been identified in mangosteen. Each xanthone has the same molecular skeletons but unique chemical accessories know as sidechains that permit each xanthone to perform a specific biologic function. For example, alpha-mangostin serves as an antioxidant, gamma mangostin as an anti-inflammatory and Garcinone E as an anti-tumor agent.Mangosteen juice, made from a whole fruit is as safe to drink as orange or apple juice.In addition, laboratory evidence and centuries of folk use without incident confirm mangosteen's overall safety. No adverse effects were encountered with mangosteen, and so far no food-drug interactions have been noted. It is recommended that you always consult a doctor before using any food supplement and that you do not stop taking any medications you are taking. There will be time enough later to re-evaluate the use of any medication when it becomes apparent that mangosteen has replaced their effects.

Mangosteen as an Anti-inflammatory

Inflammation- wich consists of heat, swelling, redness and pain- is the body's normal, healthy reaction to almost every injury or invasion.However, inflammation can become chronic rather than shutting down when the problem has been dealt with.Even in young people, the body often overreacts to injuries with exessive pain and prolonged inflammation.This is the case in arthritis, headaches, and muscle pains. In such situation, inflammation itself becomes the problem.In chronic form, inflammation has now been casually linked to cancer, neurodegenerative diseases of the brain {such as alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis and parkinson's}, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and inflammatory bowel disease {crones}.Medical science's answer to this problem are anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, indomethacin, and dexamethasone.However, these drugs can cause severe side effects at times as severe as the origanal in-flammatory disorder.

Why take a drug when a plant or herb would do?

Mangosteen's xanthones have been demonstrated to possess potent anti-inflammatory properties in animal laboratory studies without the risk of other complications.The natives of Southeast Asia employed mangosteen to stop the pain of inflammation since it is one of the fruit's most obvious effects.They used the rind of the fruit to treat diarrhea and dysentery. Dysentery, as a disease process, is characterized by inflammation of the intestine, especially of the large bowel.Scientists now know that the xanthones from the mangosteen pericarp, mainly gamma-mangostin, inhibits prostaglandins.If there is no prostaglandins then the symptoms of inflammation disappear.

Mangosteen as an Antioxidant

Oxidation occurs when free radicals attack the body's cells, often damaging them irreparably. Free radicals invade the body through pollution, infection, poor eating habits, and even exercise.Oxidation is an essential component not only of all identified diseases {including cancer} but of aging itself. Antioxidants are needed to combat the insidious process of oxidation.The antioxidants thoery of aging postulates that the aging process is the result of cumulative "oxidative stress"{damage done by free radicals}.The effects of this damage is experienced in human beings as the aging process. Therefore, raising blood and tissue levels of antioxidants through mangosteen supplemantation is a valid means of intervening.There are reports that show we are exposed to lierally millions of free radicals each day. Second-hand smoke, pollution, and tainted food alone can speed up the aging process by years. We all need to supplemant our diets with extra antioxidants to combat these modern-day free radicals.Using xanthones from the mangosteen pericarp scientist discoverd that the xanthones from the mangosteen fruit are potent antioxidants and that xanthones inhinit oxidation of low density lipoprotein {LDL}.They further suggested that the xanthone gamma mangostin was found to be more powerful antioxidant than vitamin E.

Mangosteen as an Anti-bacterialA challenge facing the global medical community is that of bacterial resistance to antibiotics.Research in Thailand has shown that mangosteen's xanthones inhibits the reproduction of strains of bacteria.

Yours Sincerely

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Press Release On " The Sunday Times - Me & My Money " column On 01 July 2007

Hi Friends,

It's me again. Hope everyone is in great health to receive the latest news from us. Recently, on 01 July 2007, I was interview by Singapore Press Holding's financial correspondent, Lorna Tan, on how I manage my personal finance and secrets to investing. The interview was published on the weekly newspaper - "The Sunday Times." under the weekly column - " Me & My Money ", which share with readers some of habits of those financial professionals who have successes in their investment journey. Tips given by people who have been interviewed have been useful financial advices that readers could apply to help them in their management of their personal finances and in their own investing endeavors.

That's a new contribution that " 4 Steps To Financial Freedom " has been able to influence and impact those people out there who will benefit from reading the Popular's Best-Seller. Wish you all the best in your journey in controlling your financial destiny.

Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

@sk Sean Toh - What Are The Different Investment Vehicles For 8% Return With An Investment Time Horizon Of 15 Years?

Question For Sean Toh? - What Are The Different Investment Vehicles For 8% Return With An Investment Time Horizon Of 15 Years?

Hi Sean,

I recently made some money from an enbloc sale and would like to see this money work extremely hard for me at about 8%pa in order to support my semi-retirement at age 45 next year. Please share with me what investment vehicles I should use? Many thanks.


Here Is The Answers Specially For Your Questions, Albert! Sincerely From Sean Toh.

Dear Albert,

First of all, let me take this opportunity to congratulate you on your win in the property market. My first advice that I will give you is to learn to preserve at least half of the capital first because you might have to wait for the next Enbloc sale to reap a chuck of profit if you invest in the next property or this kind of opportunity may never ever happen again.

From the question you asked and the facts you have given me, you have another 15 years to generate returns and I do not want to take the time after 60 years old as your investment horizon time because you simply have no time for the investment instruments to risk your nest egg.

Fact 1 : Time For Investment – 15 years.

Fact 2 : Investment return – 8%.
The next few questions that I would like to address are :

1. What is your investment risk appetite?

2. How knowledgeable are you in your financial education to understand and use the different types of investment instruments to generate returns?

If you have a high investment risk profile, having more stocks in your investment portfolio will generate more returns but you have to know how to pick the right stocks to reap good returns. Returns from stocks can be varying or no return at all, you could even lose money too! You could even lose sleep over your investment if you do not have a high investment risk profile.Normally, financial planners will access your risk profile before they advise you on any suitable investment. As an example of the portfolio of an aggressive investor, you can see that he is willing to invest in stocks that might have growth potentials. This is just for illustration purpose only!

For a moderately aggressive investor, his investment portfolio might be something like that. For illustration purpose only! You will realize that the financial planner will structure some bonds in his investment portfolio so that the risks are reduced with the introduction of the new investment instruments called the “Bonds”.

For conservative investor, his portfolio might look something like this. For illustration purpose only! His investment portfolio will consist more Fixed Income. Example of Fixed Income is your Fixed Deposit or Cash Fund Units Trust.

To generate a return of 8% , you need to have a strategy to meet your investment objective. There are many ways to meet 8% returns. An aggressive investor might use volatile stocks to generate 200% in one trade and lose 30-50 % in multiple trades and the overall end resultant returns is 8-9%. For 15 years, he will do just that to achieve 8% annual return. In this case, the investor is actively trading in the market. Other investors might use a slightly different strategy to generate 6% annually consistently using more conservative portfolio with less stocks in the portfolio and fall short of the objective by 2% after 15 years. That is still not so bad as he is more laid back with trading and investing but just letting the investment portfolio works for him. Others might be so good in trading that they use Forex Trading or Options Trading to get their returns and they achieve their investment objectives much sooner with higher returns. My advice is to understand the mechanism of the investment instruments first before you invest it all yourself.

If you don’t like the idea of investing yourself, I will advise you to get a qualified financial advisor to plan for you. Ask him or her to propose a structure investment portfolio for you for a 8% returns for a investment time horizon of 15 years. If you are quite happy with it, you can then stick with the plan. There is definitely no fixed plan or guaranteed plan!

My point of view is with the stock market reaching a ‘high’ now at a STI Index of 3400-3500. Unless, the fundamentals and economical indicators can support good investment sentiments, the potential for growth might be limited. As for bonds like Singapore Bond Fund, you can only get returns of 3-4%. For fixed income instruments, return is minimum at 1.5-2%. Sophisticated stock investors can make huge amount of returns by shorting the market or using ‘put’ warrant to leverage on their investment. Opportunities are plenty-full but that depends on how you look at it and also your ability to reap return based on your financial literacy, quotient and risk profile to take risks and an excellent entry and exit investment plan while investing.

You will realize that I do not take clients or advise you to which is the most suitable instruments to use. Even if I recommend a particular investment instrument, that investor could not reap returns based on their investment psychological make-up. My advice is to understand your investment instruments well so that you can then invest. It’s ok to put the money in the bank and do nothing with it until you equip yourself with sufficient financial education and you have tested your investment trading system to reap return, then you can invest with confident. At least, you have your money for retirement, as you are still semi-retire with a job providing income for your living expenses. For the months when you are not making that much money, you just have to cut back on some of your expenses. Maybe, you just have to take a slightly longer time to achieve the desired sum of money that you wish to accumulate.

Here is a list of investment instruments and possible returns

Stocks – Varying return, return can be huge.

Bonds – 3-4%Fixed Income – 1.5-2%

Units Trust – Varying, return can reach 15-20% if you know how to time your investment with strategies.

Gold – Need to understand the operating mechanism as I personally is not well-versed in it.

Reit – Unit Trust in Real Estate or properties (can be residential, commercial or shopping center buildings). Return possible 5-6% with dividends re-invested back for more investment.

Stock Warrants – Varying return, return cab be huge or lose every single cents of capital if warrants expire.

Entrepreneurship or start a business – Varying return but take lots of passion to create a successful business. Risk is very high if you have no business sense.

Albert, I could only give you a guide to the big picture. I hope I have provided you with a clearer picture before you decide on your next move. Always remember, you are in control and responsible for your investment decisions even if you ask a good financial planner to help you achieve your investment objectives. Never put all your eggs in one basket, only master investors like Warren Buffetts or George Soros know what they are doing. Assets allocation is the strategy to manage your investment risks. Search the internet or read up books on ‘Assets Allocation’ and ‘Modern Portfolio Theory’. Last but not least, wish you all the success in your investment endeavors. Before I end, Albert.

Although I have recommended and advise you on lots of matters, it takes more than education, resources and advice for you to be successful. You need to be patience and committed to your plan to achieve a bit of success. It’s that bit of success that will motivate you even more to learn and apply what you learned in life for your future success. Just in case, if you have been waiting the whole day for all the answers. I will like to apologize for the delay to your answers because I believe in giving my best advice to you personally and sincerely from my heart. I needed the time to understand the problems you faced, understanding them and finding the right resources for your education so that you have a higher success rate when you implement your plan.
Last but not least, may I wish you all the success implementing the plan and achieving some results that you can see for yourself. Do consult a proper financial planner or advisor if you are really in doubts. It's you that make the decision to decide if you want to be successful? Enjoy creating wealth with health. It’s has been my pleasure providing consultancy service to you, Albert!

Your Sincerely
Sean Toh

P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members. Click here to Tell Your Friends Now!

P.P.S. Feel free to ask Sean Toh your single most important question about personal investing and health matters that will help you get started on this journey to create wealth for yourself? Ask Sean Toh Now!