Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Suggestions On How To Avoid Overindulging In Food During The Festive Season!

Here are suggestions on how to avoid overindulging in food!
Number one: Don't feel like you have to eat everything in front of you -- when you start to get full, stop.

If you're eating at a restaurant eat just an appetizer for your meal, as portion sizes usually are smaller than entrees.
If you order an entree try splitting the portion with someone else.

When you get your meal, immediately set aside half of it to take home and eat later.

People are constantly telling me how busy they are. They are also constantly asking me how they can't find the time to work exercise into their day.
My response is always the same. I always tell them that that nobody knows the details of their life as they do and nobody can find that time in their schedule for them.

Reality is that if you make healthy living your first priority, you will find the time.

My motto is: Live Wise with Exercise - Move It And Lose It!

Why not make today the day you find the time? Make it happen! You are worth the effort!!

Here are some simple fitness tips to implement!
1. Go for a short walk before breakfast, after dinner or both. Start with a 10-minute walk and work up to 30 minutes.

2. Walk or bike to the corner store.

3. When watching television, pedal a stationary bicycle.

4. Park on the outskirts of a shopping mall and walk to the stores. As busy as I am, I find a way to fit in exercise almost every day.

If you are currently not engaged in a regular exercise program, please do your mind, your body and your spirit a tremendous favor and find a way to make that happen.

There is NO substitution for exercise and it’s a must for healthy living, fitness and weight loss.

Have a Safe & Healthy Holiday Season!