The gift of love is an education in itself.- Eleanor Roosevelt
Although no condom guarantees 100% protection against failure, it is important to know that most condom failures result from improper storage or use. Here are some tips to help you get the most comfort and security out of your condom. With dozens of sizes, styles, shapes, and features to choose from the right condom for each person and situation does exist. Try different styles; find what suits you and your partner — this will only increase your protection and pleasure.
How To Care For Condoms
Store your condoms in a cool, dark place. Exposure to sunlight, heat, or humidy can break down latex, causing it to rupture or tear more easily.
Condoms are usable up to four years after the date of manufacture. Always check the date on the box. Some dates are marked MFG, which indicates the manufacturing date. These condoms are good up to four years from the MFG date. Others are marked EXP, which indicates the expiration date after which the condom should not be used. If you are unsure how old the condom is, throw it away and use a new one.
Be aware that lambskin condoms, or natural condoms are not effective in the prevention of disease. For the best protection, be sure to use only latex condoms.
How To Use Condom
Be careful when opening a condom package that you do not tear or nick the latex with your teeth, nails, or rings. Do not unroll the condom before putting it on; it can weaken the latex and make it difficult to use.
Hold the receptacle end of the condom between your thumb and forefinger against the head of the penis. If the penis is uncircumcised, pull back the foreskin first. Make sure to leave space at the tip so the semen will not leak out the side of the condom. Squeeze out any excess air to prevent the condom from bursting.
Roll the condom over the entire length of the penis.
Use plenty of water-based lubricant during intercourse. Putting a drop of lubricant inside the tip of the condom can increase both sensation and safety. Never use an oil-based product such as Crisco, lotion, Vaseline, or baby oil as it will weaken the latex and cause it to break.
After ejaculation, pull out while the penis is still hard, holding onto the base of the condom to prevent it from falling off. Roll it gently toward the tip of the penis to remove.
Do not flush condoms down the toilet because they can clog plumbing. Wrap in a tissue and throw away. Remember, condoms cannot be reused.
Try not to panic. It is important that women not douche; it can cause injury to internal tissue and push sperm further into the body. Cover the entire genital area with a contraceptive foam, which has a high concentration of spermicide and will help neutralize any infectious agent. Try to figure out why the condom broke so that you can prevent it from happening again. If you are concerned about pregnancy or exposure to sexually transmitted diseases, contact your doctor or one of the hotlines listed in this manual.
By Condomania Asia