Are You Thinking Of Doing Competitive Bodybuilding? Bodybuilding Competition Requires An Extreme Level Of Physical And Mental Discipline Unparalleled By Most Other Sports. Let's Me Share My Experience With You & Show You A List Of Resources That Will Help You Get Started!
It is a comprehensive resources which I have personally used to educate myself and have used the products to build my body to a level that is worthy of standing on the competitor stage. It take more than ten years to achieve a physique that I have now. I started bodybuilding since 16 years old when I was in high school. It take much more than resources to be a champion. It took me perseverance, determination, patience, willingness to learn from competitive bodybuilders, a hardcore attitude, education in knowledge and practice in bodybuilding, sport nutrition & contest dieting to succeed. When I was boy, my dream was to be a bodybuilder! I used the best bodybuilding champion - Arnold Schwarzenegger, 7 times Mr. Olympia, to be my idol whom I can emulate and motivate myself to be a bodybuilder. Although I'm not a Mr. Universe or Mr. Olympia, I know I'm a bodybuilder in my heart. It's not about the winning but the courage to try what you dream of.
Finally, if you've had enough pain and frustration and dare to fulfill your dream to be a competitive bodybuilder, then all this resources is for you.
By Sean Toh