Friday, September 11, 2009

Your Desire To Get Yourself Educated Has Impressed Me!

Hi Friends,
Desire is the burning internal quality that pushes you and produces restlessness with things as they are. Desire empowers you to meet the challenges of life and compels you to fulfill a purpose larger than yourself.

The willingness to wake up on a Saturday morning to attend my seminar revealed your desire to get yourself educated to achieve a lot more for yourself. Not just financially, Planning Ahead For Your Financial Future! but also spiritually and mentally for personal fulfillment.

This financial crisis has not pinned you down but instead woken up your dormant desire to learn much more to get ahead.

With your desire to succeed, I shall empower you with generosity of knowledge and wisdom gained in life. Your success will still depend on your ability to convert your learned knowledge into successful reality in your life.

I’m totally impressed with even more you now, your desire to be a life-long learner to get the right education to succeed in life, has overwhelmed me into believing what you are actually capable of achieving a lot more in life.
P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members.
Sean Toh &
Credit Plus Health's Team

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Newly Designed Seminar Booklet - Planning Ahead For Your Financial Future!

Hi Friends,

As you can see I'm holding my newly designed seminar booklet - "Planning Ahead For Your Financial Future!" Due to overwhelming responses from my friends, I have decided to add values to them when they attend my seminar - "Planning Ahead For Your Financial Future!" I have asked my professional graphic designer and publisher to design and print for me my newly designed seminar booklet which is packed with invaluable secrets and strategies to benefit them when they sign-up and attend my seminar.

They will leave home with my popular best-selling personally autographed book - "4 Steps To Financial Freedom" and my seminar booklet which would be so invaluably worth that others might not have the opportunity and honor in receiving them personally from me!

I believe all my friends will definitely benefit from the wealth of knowledge that I'm most willing to share with them in this empowering seminar!

P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members.

Click here to Tell Your Friends Now!

Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh &
Credit Plus Health's Team

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Speaking At Smart Investment &International Property Expo 2009 – 28 March 2009

I have achieved what I set out to achieve for the event. Interested investors have learned and understood the bigger picture of investing before they invest their hard-earned cash when they plan and invest for their financial future.

I believe I have done a great job by bringing them into the bigger perspective of understanding their life-goals before investing will provide them the motivations as to why they want to be financial free before they set their financial objectives to plan for the financial challenges ahead at different stages of their lives.

From my engagement during the seminar, I realized that those who turned up for this year Smart International Property Expo 2009, are interested investors who have the capitals to invest soon and they are actually researching for information before making decisions to take advantage of this financial crisis (investment opportunities) to invest in the near future.

Smart Investment & International Property has always been a good learning platform for investors who want to get themselves educated as there are lots of reliable investment information and only world-class investment educators are engaged to talk on the various investment topics during the seminar. The speakers have the credentials and are experts in their respective fields to provide the educational insights for investors to make better investment choices. Investors just need to be willing to listen and be hungry to digest the information provided before making their next investment move!

P.S. If you find that Credit Plus Health By Sean Toh has empowered you to learn a lots more to take control of your financial & health matters, please share this website with the world, your friends and family members.

Click here to Tell Your Friends Now!

Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh &
Credit Plus Health's Team